The laws are called "death with diginty" because it is so much softer to the ear than "killed by your own doctor".
Call it killed by your own doctor if you want doesn't bother me. I'm not worried about the name of it. I mean what are we, third graders here that need to debate over whether the name of something is good or not?
I also wonder why it is not considered dignified for someone to live out the end days of their life with quite acceptance of their condition and limitations?
Is it dignified to be in so much pain every day that you have to be hopped up on so many pain killers that you don't even know where you are? Should we be dignified enough to take all those pain killers for the rest of our life and sit around and be out of our mind?
You must have a strange definition of dignified (maybe OldRegular can hound you about that definition)...but dignified to me doesn't mean sitting around on pain medication hallucinating and acting like a loon bat.