Be careful who you employ they might be tried for murder.
The problem I have with this entire death with dignity charade is: Since when is it dignified to commit suicide? Attempted suicide will get you in a psychiatric ward in many states.
You seem to have no problem with someone killing themselves. You've told us on this thread:
If you choose suicide then do so but don't drag someone else in to give you whatever you are lacking to carry out the deed.
If you can't take what life hands out than end it yourself.
Then go ahead and end your misery. Don't drag someone else into your suicide, just put a gun to your head or save up enough pain pills to do the job.
So, I guess you have no problem with suicide, since you are telling people to go and do it. You just seem to have a problem with someone else assisting with suicide. One of your main objections seems to be illustrated in this quote:
Apparently these people do not understand that God, not Dr. Death wherever he is, is in control.
Funny how in the case of suicide you say God is in control, yet in the case of punishing someone you would have no problem taking the life of that person via the death sentence.
You can't have it both ways OldRegular. How do you believe God is in control when it comes to the terminally ill, but don't believe He can handle the criminals as well? Sounds like you are pretty confused, but I've come to expect that.
In my case, I understand God is in control of both situations. I guess you can just call it a weakness of the flesh when it comes to being terminally ill since I'd prefer the easy way out. Maybe you can admit that your view of the death penalty is not within God's will, but just something that appeals to your flesh. I won't be holding my breath though.