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Debit/Credit Card 3 digit security codes AND the anti-christ


New Member
Why look for the anti- when you can look for the real One? I don't waste time postulating about this stuff. I've actually spent less time arguing about eschatology the past few years because it's going to happen one way or another and the most important thing is to be READY and WATCH (i.e. work).

Let's focus upon getting folks ready and not waste time on this foolishness.


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Why look for the anti- when you can look for the real One? I don't waste time postulating about this stuff. I've actually spent less time arguing about eschatology the past few years because it's going to happen one way or another and the most important thing is to be READY and WATCH (i.e. work)..

yeah that the thing that's always made me laugh about dispensational eschatology. Even though they aren't (according to their system) gonna be around when when this all happens they desperately want to know every last little detail.


Oh, and there is no singular Anti-Christ.


Active Member
ah man, I'm in trouble. I have a bank account and the last 3 digits of the account number is 666. :eek:

Yeah. Okay. Alrighty then.

It wasn't anything sinster. The bank was bought out by another a few years ago. In the process they added four numbers to the front of the original account number and one to the end. The first 4 were not random. The last one was. I had two accounts and two different numbers added to each. And that is that. Could I have it changed? Yep. Would it be a pain in my backside over something that means nothing. Yep. Guess what isn't going to be changed. (plus, I get to blame those numbers when that account has nothing in it! :D )

Scarlett O.

yeah that the thing that's always made me laugh about dispensational eschatology. Even though they aren't (according to their system) gonna be around when when this all happens they desperately want to know every last little detail.


Oh, and there is no singular Anti-Christ.

Yep, that's the truth.

I find that a lot of people think that the book of Revelation tells you all about "the" antiChrist and how we can figure out who he is.

I only find the mentioning of the idea of what an antiChrist is in 1 John and 2 John.

According to those scriptures the antiChrist ain't some all-powerful dictator or billionaire humanist or a liberal president.

Well, I guess they could be, but the emphasis of those scriptures in 1 and 2 John initimate to me that an antiChrist could be sweet and kind auntie who babysits her nieces and nephews and tells them that Jesus isn't real.

And .... (now nobody get their underwear in a knot) ..... the spirit of antiChrist, according to my interpretation of where the Bible discusses it, could be found in someone who calls themself a Christian but whose lifestyle denies the Father and the Son.


Active Member
My favorite is the 666 on our one dollar bill. Look below the pyramid and you will see the Roman numeral MDCCLXXVI, which is 1776 the year our country was founded.

But if you separate this into three groups of three Roman numerals you get;

M= parts of a thousand. Under this we have DC which is 500 + 100= 600

C= parts of a hundred. Under this we have LX which is 50 + 10= 60

X= parts of a ten. Under this we have VI which is 5 + 1= 6

So, we have six hundred, threescore and six, just as Revelation says.


Pretty amazing coincidence. :tongue3:


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CCV numbers have NOTHING to do with the antichrist. To think it does is kind of laughable - but sad at the same time.

I think people have WAY too much time on their hands.

I did not know that you had a time machine. How did you make it? What is the future like? Brother my point is that you do not know the future and do not know how security codes will be used in the future.


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Ugh, over realized dispensational eschatology...

Revelation is an apocalyptic text that uses typology and allusions to literature and cultural images and figures that were understand to its original first century context. Numbers in Revelation are almost always figurative. In this example 666 probably is an allusion to Nero who had persecuted Christians. It doesn't mean we should search under every rock and behind every tree for someone or something which adds up to 666.

I disagree with this. One does not need to "spiritualize" the text as many Reformed do.


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1. This is pointless fear-mongering...Even if what you say is true, what difference does it make for our life and godliness at all? Is there some way that I should be Obeying Christ more or differently now that I know this "important" information?

2. There are ZERO bible teachers who are always right...ZERO. Even the good ones. Blind faith in any bible teacher will lead you to dangerous places.

Exactly we need to be like Bereans.Which is why I disagree with John on the doctrine of Limited Atonement.


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I don't know if I would go as far as using the word 'idiot,' but would be very surprised if he actually said this.

You are free to listen to the Podcast if you wish.


And we're getting to that, we already have credit cards and numbers. If you have a bank card where you can go stick your bank thing in, punch your number in to the deal, you've already got your number. Connected with your bank card number, they know exactly who you are and they can find out everything about you. And if they decided that you couldn't buy or sell, all they've got to do is remove that number of you have a cashless society. And the problem with a credit card is you lose it so they're developing ways to put it on your hand and your forehead because in a cold climate those are the two parts of your body that are readily exposed and can be scanned easily. And so Antichrist will rule the world and he'll accommodate it all and he'll control it all because of the power he has.


Well-Known Member
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Why look for the anti- when you can look for the real One? I don't waste time postulating about this stuff. I've actually spent less time arguing about eschatology the past few years because it's going to happen one way or another and the most important thing is to be READY and WATCH (i.e. work).

Let's focus upon getting folks ready and not waste time on this foolishness.

Lets do both…. Study it from this perspective as well as get folks ready.


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Oh, and there is no singular Anti-Christ.

Hi preachinjesus

The word "antichrist" appears 5 times in the Bible.

Four in the singular, once as plural.

In every occurence of the singular the definite article is used in reference to "antichrist" in the koine Greek.

For example:
1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.​

Though use of the definite article as a generic reference is possible, a singular identifiable entity is the most probable meaning IMO.​

"many antichrists" presumably then would be used in the sense of his/its forerunners.​
