I will defend our military because they are supposed to be defending me. That does not mean that I defend the corrupt politicians in power who willfully send our troops into harm's way for their own political agendas. IMO, Viet Nam, probably Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq have been a waste - both of lives of our brave military as well as the mental, emotional, and outward scars and disfigurements from battle, and our national treasure. Our greatest treasure, IMO, are the brave souls who are in harm's way. Even though I do not agree that they are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq to defend OUR freedom, I salute them for doing what they have signed up to do. And I am trusting that if the day comes when they are called upon to defend OUR freedom, they will do so with honor. I will personally never know such bravery and valor even though that is not recognized by some in the United States, even some here on this BB, it would seem from some comments posted here. :tear:
I salute you and thank you for your service, even as the 4th of July is drawing near - while people here in the US are celebrating with fireworks and cookouts, you on active duty, will be in fire fights and praying the next step you take will not take off your limbs or blind you or end your life by an IED. You are holding the line for an ungrateful people, but I am thankful you would hold the line for me, if called upon to do so. I call upon all Americans to stop and think about our brave troops and intelligence people who are serving this nation in many ways that we may never understand or know about. A pox on those (including the CIC) who would "out" our military and intelligence secrets. They are enemies of the State as far as I am concerned and should be booted out for treason.
But you, our military, continue on. You are the bravest men and women on this planet and I salute you. I do not salute and am under no obligation to salute the politicians in power or the puppet masters behind them who have a deplorable foreign policy for this nation and have had an unconstitutional foreign policy for this nation for decades--from both political parties.
Okay, now the thread is started. Let's keep a discussion of the rightness or wrongness of our foreign policy here instead of derailing other threads.
Thank you,
LE :flower:
I salute you and thank you for your service, even as the 4th of July is drawing near - while people here in the US are celebrating with fireworks and cookouts, you on active duty, will be in fire fights and praying the next step you take will not take off your limbs or blind you or end your life by an IED. You are holding the line for an ungrateful people, but I am thankful you would hold the line for me, if called upon to do so. I call upon all Americans to stop and think about our brave troops and intelligence people who are serving this nation in many ways that we may never understand or know about. A pox on those (including the CIC) who would "out" our military and intelligence secrets. They are enemies of the State as far as I am concerned and should be booted out for treason.
But you, our military, continue on. You are the bravest men and women on this planet and I salute you. I do not salute and am under no obligation to salute the politicians in power or the puppet masters behind them who have a deplorable foreign policy for this nation and have had an unconstitutional foreign policy for this nation for decades--from both political parties.
Okay, now the thread is started. Let's keep a discussion of the rightness or wrongness of our foreign policy here instead of derailing other threads.
Thank you,
LE :flower: