New Member
Hey--you were the one that brought up Pharoah's command to kill all the first-born. And as you're aware--or should be--Egypt equated their leaders with the gods they worshipped, and thus were a theocracy themselves. You used a theocracy example--but you don't want to let me do the same.
So you admit that you would follow the orders of Saul because it was a theocracy. Does that absolve you of the responsibility of disobeying God, since Saul's orders were not what God commanded?
As for "blindly following men"--you misrepresent me. I and others have told you on several occasions on this board that military members are taught to evaluate all orders for their legality, ethics, and morality. Failure to do so makes the military member just as guilty as the one issuing the orders. I even once upon a time gave you a scenario and explained why your answer was incorrect based on legality and morality.
So please--"blindly following men"? Was it blindly following when, as an E-3, the lieutenant asked me if I understood why he had made the decision he did; and I replied that I figured I'd be in long enough to see more stupid decisions? Was it blindly following when I said "no" to my superiors when they asked me to spend $10 million dollars of US taxpayer money on a computer system for the Afghans that I knew they would never use? Was it blindly following when I said "no" to a job position change that would have required me to sustain instead of fixing a financial system that I had already filed multiple complaints against? Was it blindly following when I instituted requirements in a training system that actually caused people to be removed from the training for not meeting standards, whereas the previous ten years had simply been a "graduate 'em and move on to the next batch" mentality?
I personally think I made the right choices in those and other decisions. Please feel free to explain why you might think differently. The net result, whether we agree that they were the right choice or not, is that my superiors thought we should have spent the $10 million; and that I should have taken the position and simply "gone with the flow"; and that I should have stuck with the status quo and simply turned out cannon fodder. For those reasons--which I remind you were my decisions, knowing full well the consequences and repercussions--it was decided that I am no longer promotable.
"Blindly following." To quote Major Haberzatl, my favorite Blackhawk driver: Whatevah.
Apples and oranges. Your fruit diet must be a trip.