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Democrat Politicians

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by OldRegular, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. Power

  2. The United States

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  1. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Also consider that there is a museum in DC commemorating the Jewish Holocaust [~ 6,000,000 Jews murdered] but no concern expressed over the 40,000,000 unborn children murdered. I suggest a memorial in DC for the victims of the American Holocaust. Model it after the Viet Nam Memorial but call it the Wailing Wall.
  2. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I agree. To in any way equate this American Holocaust, to a politicians lack of integrity is wrong. No matter how you slice it, the systematic premeditated murder of unborn children, makes these Drs. terrorists, on the level of OBL.
  3. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    1st of ALL, when did I say I was "playing God"? Do not put words into my mouth.

    I am only saying that ANY sin will prevent you from getting to heaven, and I find it fasanating that people will put degrees on SIN and call one "ok" and the other one "bad"

    For the record, I don't agree with abortion, I think I made that clear LAST time I posted I didn't agree.

    But I also don't agree with liars, cheaters, thefts, which politicans seem to be, and yet we let them off "easy"

    Do you think it's ok to lie? How about Cheat? Steal? Kill? Where is the line? Can you tell me where the degree of SIN starts and makes one worse than the other?

    Help me understand where that line is.. Until then, don't continue to harp about abortions and homosexuals, harp about sinning people and how many people will miss heaven unless we as Christians go out and help spread the word to ALL sinners.

  4. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    A worthy cause, have you started to raise money for it yet?

    Do you have a group to spearhead this task?

    How much will be needed? Have you called your local/State/Federal Policitian to get this started?

    What non-profit group do I need to send the donation too?

  5. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I agree. To in any way equate this American Holocaust, to a politicians lack of integrity is wrong. No matter how you slice it, the systematic premeditated murder of unborn children, makes these Drs. terrorists, on the level of OBL. </font>[/QUOTE]But you see, you have to agree, because the lack of integrity in our Politicans is causing things like Abortion to take place. Not only abortion, but many many other non-Chrsitian things.

    If we don't hold them accountable, then why do we get to fuss about them? And holding them accountable includes EVERYTHING that isn't Christian, we don't get to pick and choose.

    God isn't going to pick and choose between the sinners. I can see it now....

    God standing at the Gate of Heaven.. People in a small gathering.. God picks this person because he only lied, and this person because he was only a Drunk. Then, he send this person away because he supported abortion and gay rights?

    Do you honestly think that will happen? No, God will send ALL sinners, ALL who have fallen short of the Glory of God to hell. NOT just the "major" sinners...

    We really need to look at how we vote and who we vote in more closely. And in looking at them truely HOLD them ACCOUNTABLE for their sinful actions. ALL Sinful actions. Period.

    Then, and only then will you see Washington start to change for our cause.

  6. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Since we are all sinners which politicians do you hold accountable for their sins and what standard do you use for judging these sins. I would assume that if you are consistent with your claims you are unable to vote for anyone.
  7. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    You know, I just love the way you side step the questions asked of you and continue to try to hammer your point across..

    I don't judge anyone 1st of all, that's something I can't do. I do however vote my VALUES and not my Party, unlike some people, and I would guess from the way you talk, that you would be one of those people. You would rather vote for someone with your party vers vote for someone that is beter aligned with your Values from another party.

    Holding them accountable works wonders. Ask our last Mayor in Manchester, NH. [​IMG] He was with my party, but didn't get my vote. A man from the "other" side won. So you see, I don't vote party lines, I vote with my Christian values. All Democrats are not against Christian values, and not all Republicans are the Supporters of Christian values.

    Like I mention in another topic, unless you answer questions and want to discuss a topic, and not just steamroll your ideas across I won't respond anymore.


  8. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    You know, I just love the way you side step the questions asked of you and continue to try to hammer your point across..

    I don't judge anyone 1st of all, that's something I can't do. I do however vote my VALUES and not my Party, unlike some people, and I would guess from the way you talk, that you would be one of those people.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Are you admitting you vote for sinners? If so you are obviously making a judgment as to who is the worst sinner. :D
  9. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    You know, I just love the way you side step the questions asked of you and continue to try to hammer your point across..

    I don't judge anyone 1st of all, that's something I can't do. I do however vote my VALUES and not my Party, unlike some people, and I would guess from the way you talk, that you would be one of those people.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Are you admitting you vote for sinners? If so you are obviously making a judgment as to who is the worst sinner. :D
    </font>[/QUOTE]Are you so narrow minded as to think that I said anything about voting for a non sinner?

    I said vote your VALUES.

    Since all men are sinners and fall short of the Glory of God, your point isn't a valid one.

    You Troll along looking for arguements, you don't seek the truth. You continue to put words in people mouths. Never did I say vote for the Non-Sinner. Never did I say that one shouldn't vote. I said vote your Values.

    You on the other hand, by your posts, I would guess vote only with your party. Have you ever voted anything other than Republican?

    You look at your party as spiritual and God fearing, and you look at the other party as against Christianity.

    In fact people on both sides are loving and God fearing, and there are people on both sides that are corrupt and not Christian's.

    Open your eyes..

  10. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    But you admit you pick and choose when you say you vote your values. Unfortunately you have erected a fictious strawman and keep trying to knock it down. LUCK:D
  11. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    But you admit you pick and choose when you say you vote your values. Unfortunately you have erected a fictious strawman and keep trying to knock it down. LUCK:D </font>[/QUOTE]Nice! A quote out of context... Like we haven't seen that before.... I know some "Christians" that use that style of teaching all the time... hum...

    When I said you don't get the pick and choose, i was following up on my statement that I find it funny how some people will Beat the Abortion and Homosexual lifetstyle to death, yet they ignore the liar, cheater, and theft.

    That was the orginal conversation, that people need to look deeper at people, and not pull out the "trump" cards when talking.

    Nice try though.. What's in store for your next trick?

  12. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    A worthy cause, have you started to raise money for it yet?

    Do you have a group to spearhead this task?

    How much will be needed? Have you called your local/State/Federal Policitian to get this started?

    What non-profit group do I need to send the donation too?


    If you really thought it a worthy cause you would not need to ask where to send a donation. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    A worthy cause, have you started to raise money for it yet?

    Do you have a group to spearhead this task?

    How much will be needed? Have you called your local/State/Federal Policitian to get this started?

    What non-profit group do I need to send the donation too?


    If you really thought it a worthy cause you would not need to ask where to send a donation. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    </font>[/QUOTE]You are correct, I don't think it's a worthy cause or use of money. But in turn, I think people that stand up and shout should be willing to also get down and dirty with the work.

    If you're not willing to get it started, then you're not qualified to stand up and shout about it.

    You know the answers to my asked question before you even posted this message, yet the only thing you can do it throw words at me.

    At least I stand up for my causes, and don't throw them around like stones. You on the other hand stand there and shout things that even you don't believe in enough to help them get started. Have you contributed? Have you started a fund? I would guess the answer would be No and No.

  14. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Just what is your cause? It is not clear from your posts. You seem to be pro murdering unborn children, pro homosexual, but against SIN! Weird!
  15. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Weird it is.. Weird that you seem to be not able to read..

    Where oh where did I say I was Pro Abortion or Pro Homesexauality?

    Please point me to those posts.. Otherwise stop bearing false witness.

  16. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Maybe you two need to don the gloves and settle this. [​IMG]

  17. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    As far as my case as you put it, This all started with me wondering why some people tend to let somes sins go un-noticed while with other sins they jump on every bandwagon to shout them to the top of their lungs.

    Explain to me why a politican who lies, cheats or steals is better or worse then someone that allows abortions or homosexuality?

    If you are hiring a Pastor and have two applications one believes in abortion, and the other is a convict Bank robber, which would you hire? Either? Neither? Would you continue to search for a better candiate? Why is it so much different in Politics?

    I understand that a Pastor should be more in tune with God, then a Politican, but if we don't look at Politicans with some kind of values, then we can't complain when they start to remove out rights as Christian, when they remove the Ten commandments from public places, remove the ability to say prayer in school, etc. If we don't hold them (ALL Policians, Democrats and Republicans) accountable, then we can't complain when they run over us and our religion.

    I have firmly stated that I don't believe in these two sins, but I also don't stand up for anyone who lies, cheats and steals their way to the top.

    IN my opinion, they are all sinful, and show be looked at as such.

    You're the one twisting words, and trying to continue to shout your message without bothering to read the posts. If so, you would have known I am against Abortion and Homosexuality from my other posts.

  18. StraightAndNarrow

    StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    People tend to denounce sins that "those other people" committ. Most people here (including me) do not support abortion or the homosexual life style. But you don't hear them come down as hard on adultry because many have had one or two indiscretions and in reality probably all have committed it because Jesus said that having lust in your heart is the same as committing adultry.

    One the other hand many if not most support feeding, housing, and educating the poor if that means raising taxes to do it. The description of the Final Judgment in MA 25 refers to these as things we will be judged on but somehow that doesn't sink in. I've always felt that these things should be done directly by Christians through the churches but that has failed miserably so the government had to step in.
  19. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    And the government programs have continued the miserable failure as we still have basically the same percentage of people in poverty as we did in the mid-1960's when President started his "war on poverty".
  20. JamieinNH

    JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Very cute smiley! and you're right, this debate has gone too far.. Often time, I try to settle debates that can't be won by either side, by agreeing to disagree.

    This time should have been no different. I should not have allowed him to drag me into a useless, unwinnable, waste of time debate.

    Thanks Ken for clearing that up.
