He has a place of leadership, too. The primary one.
I think you may have missed my point, but perhaps I've misunderstood you as well.
So far, almost everyone I talk to that attends traditional churches, seems to be looking to their pastors as "leaders" in some sense.
They have this mindset that automatically assigns their pastor as "high priest" over them, not the wise and godly brothers-who-have-made-every-mistake-they-have-and-learned-from-them men that they really are.
They are not leaders, and we do not follow them.
They are wise elders whom God has put there to watch over His people, shepherding the sheep.
They do not lead them, they
feed them.
They teach them the Scriptures, admonish and edify them, and watch for wolves.
They do not "lead" by example ( as our only example is Christ ), they function as patient instructors and watchers and
exemplify Christ to the local assembly.
They've been through everything their flock has been through, and they offer advice to others who may be having difficulties in their own walk and point them constantly to the source of what is sufficient for everything:
God's word, and only God's word.
So, they are not leaders in the secular sense, nor are they to be looked at and put on pedestals above everyone.
That is their Saviour's place, Scarlett.
As an example of downplaying what we as men commonly tend to do when it comes to esteeming men, Jesus Christ did not tell Peter to
lead His sheep...
He told Peter to
feed His sheep.
We already have a leader... Jesus Christ.
He leads, we
follow ( John 10:27 ).
He enjoys the primary place of leadership, not the pastor...which shouldn't be occupied by only
one man anyway, from my perspective.