I too have a lot of quotes "from a Catholic" -- but I usually stick with the ones well published and recognized as scholars.
History is not as easy to "revise" as some comments "from a Catholic" might have one believing.
in Christ,
It is a published author. But like I said there is a wide range of Catholics from extremely liberal to very conservative. It depends on who you're speaking with. Plus I haven't read your book so I don't know. But I agree with Agnus Dei about sources and have read Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Irenaus, Sheperd of Hermas, Letter of Barnabas, the fragments of Papias, Didache, Justin Martyr, Hyppolytus, Eusibius, Athenasius, Augustine, Ambrose, I have even read non christians such as Pliny the Younger, and Josephus. I expect these men to know more about their time period than people today. Which I believe are actual history rather than a modern Catholic who has taken a modernistic view. As I said before History is a passion of mine and most sources do indicate Constantine did make some significant changes to the Christian Churches. Yet, he is not responsible for the Papacy, nor is he responsible for the creeds and beliefs of the Catholic Church.