Only speaking for myself, I grew up in the free will world of holiness thinking with Tozer and crew. I was steeped and raised in doctrines that I found the Bible did not support. The world of legalism that either increased my pride or brought me to utter despair is a world that I cannot go back to. It would be like a dog returning to its own vomit. No thank you. I've been there. I know the undercurrent and the danger of man-centered theology.
So, Jon, I personally find no value in digging around the garbage philosophies of free will thinking. I would warn you against such authors, but it seems you have drank deep from the kool-aid.
I also do not find value in digging around in men's theologies. That said, this does not mean that men like Dewight Moody, CS Lewis, and Tozier have nothing of benefit to offer.
As you know, I believe in predestination (and reprobation). So your charge that I have drank the free-will "kool-aid" is kinda weird. This goes back to what
@Reynolds and
@Eternally Grateful were talking about and proves them correct.
I understand ypu cannot go back to Tozer's doctrine. I couldn't go there either. Now I could not go back to Calvinism for the same reason - it would be as a dog returning to his own vomit.
This is normal. When you find an error it is silly to return to that error. This dies not mean I cannot worship with Calvinists or with Free-will Baptists. Those who are truly saved are my family, and we remain united in Christ even as we are divided over theology.
I can appreciate Tozier as a godly man God used for His purposes while at the same time find his neglect for his family and aspects of his theology the results of the man being human, finite, and capable of error.
The problem with only reading the works of men who have a perfect theology is there are none in this lifetime. The problem with only reading those who say what you want to hear ("tickle your ears") as you become unable to discern truth from error. They tell you the ink blot is a bat and pretty soon you can't see it as an ink blot.