Brother Eliyahu,
God willed that Christ be crucified (Scripture tells us explicitly "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief" Isaiah 53:10 and "For he hath made him to be sin for us" 2 Corinthians 5:21) and accomplished this by the evil deeds of Pilate, the High Priests, Gentiles, and Elders. They had an evil intent in crucifying Christ, but God willed this for a good intent "that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" (2 Corinthians 5:21), thus it was not evil of God to do this. This is the principle known as concurrence. The men have an evil intent and God has a good intent for the same action, thus the men are sinning, but God is working good after the counsel of his will.
Jesus is said to be the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13:8), thus we see this slaying was predestinated before the fall of man even occurred.
Brother Joe
Brother Joseph,
This may be the key point that we have to focus on.
Many times I explained that God foreknew the human wickedness in advance and placed Jesus into that situation so that He could accomplish the Redemption.
It doesn’t mean that God made the people be wicked and kill the innocent people, but on the contrary to His Will the human beings went wrong and were in the habit of murder.
Therefore God utilized such wickedness to achieve the Redemption.
God never predestined the people to slay the innocent people but they did such things and God used such habit for His purpose.
If God predestined such wickedness for the good purpose, can we make the robbery into the banks for the fund-raising for Evangelical missionaries?
Do you agree with torturing and coercing the people to believe in Jesus for the good purpose? It will not be a sin at all, will it?
God of the Predestination Theory is the fundamenta source of all the evil and the sins, and He is the Author of Sins.
Brother Eliyahu