A good position? I will walk in holiness but I won't be a stumbling block.
I read of another John who realized that Scripture did not “explicitly forbid the drinking of alcoholic beverages” but held convictions that flowed “not only from Scripture but also from [his] own former struggles as [he] wrestled with the grip of alcohol.” His issue was with your beverage of choice - Mike’s Hard Lemonade, which he also found to have an “addicting taste.” Like you, he would mostly drink at home, or at a party or special event.
He, however, found himself drinking after depressing moments, or just to “feel the high of alcohol.” In April 2007 he prayed that the Lord would give him the strength to resist, and he noted this testimony along with many reasons not to drink on an evangelistic site. I doubt that any here would disagree that this minister should abstain. My concern would be to support him, for alcohol is for him a temptation (particularly Mike’s Lemonade) as he prays for God to strength him to resist. Imagine this evangelist lapsing, think of the damage it would do to his testimony. It may not be an issue for you, but it is for others (this minister, your brothers at your local church, your wife).
My point is not to “attack” your “liberty,” but to encourage you to think of your brother. I am not opposed to moderate drink. It is largely a matter of conscience. But do not dismiss struggles or issues with other children of God lightly…don’t favor “I like the taste” over a brother’s wellbeing.
It may help to read the guy’s testimony - I may not agree with him 100% but he does make some good observations. It’s an article by John Wolf at Church Education Resource Ministries.