What they did was under the color of the employer and the NFl, and if the NFL does nothing about this, they are bigger fools than I thought they were!
As for freedom of speech. The same cops the protect them and their stadium are forbidden to wear support bans that say they stand with Officer Wilson.
So, if one employer can demand that their employees not show whom they support, why is that another group, who counts on these cops to walk them to their cars before and after the game, do what they please?
Thirdly - in case you didn't hear about it, the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, which clearly shows that the cause they raised their hands for, was for a criminal who got what he deserved!
But, sometime I forget that your ITL moniker stands for I'm The Liberal, and it shows that you are not only a liberal, but what Jon Gruber says is true. Some America's will believe a lie, if it is hidden well within the agenda being pushed!
Sorry, but those five Lambs. or I mean Rams, were wrong protesting on their employers time!