Personally, I don't look for them to be fulfilled in the distant future...I think most of it already has been.
But, I also think that just because some people think that some things have already happened, the chronological order of events developed in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 has not been completely fulfilled, either.
" But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." ( 2 Peter 3:8 ).
Time means nothing to the Lord.
We're on His timetable, and that can take as long as He wants.
For example, Abraham was promised that God would make of him a great nation at the "tender age" of 75 ( Genesis 12:1-3 ).
He repeated this, and developed more details about it after he came out of Egypt ( Genesis 15:1-6 ).
Abraham dwelt 10 years in the land of Canaan after leaving Egypt, before Sarah persuaded him to take her handmaid Hagar as his concubine and she bore Ismael to him at the age of 86.
When Abram was 99, the Lord reiterated His promises to him, and gave him even more detail...that the child's name would be Isaac, and that he would be born when Abraham was 100 ( Genesis 17:21 ).
My point?
Again, God doesn't work on our timetable, He works on His.
We haven't seen enough of the necessary "climate changes" for His second coming to be right on top of us...but it is
very close.
The fact that there's been no tribulation that has made the plagues of Egypt look like a picnic, is a good indicator.
Are you aware of any historical records where massive earthquakes, floods, stellar happenings, plagues, hailstones, fire and blood, etc have occurred, people knew that it was the judgment of God and hid in the rocks...and it has already happened?
I'm not.
If they did, the Bible says
immediately after the Tribulation, Christ will come ( Matthew 24:29-31 ) and gather His elect from the corners of the world.
Again, I'm not aware of Christ taking His people to Himself, or I'd be with Him.
I've looked at the map...the road is longer than some people think it
should be, and probably shorter than some think it
will be.
The fullness of the Gentiles hasn't come in yet.
Too many things are out of sequence if we are in the kingdom right now.
Christ has not returned to reign at Jerusalem, for one thing.