The last sentence wasn't directed towards anyone in particular Oldtimer - I've been fossilizing a bit myself lately.
If you look closely, that little blue smiley face is winking at ya.
It seems we've been to the same places but doing it in opposite directions.
I understood the 7 day creation in a simplistic way as a new Christian and over the decades have developed a broader understanding of the meaning of the creation passages.
Think you're right about different paths. As a youth I read Genesis, but didn't really think alot about it, in particular. Even after coming to Christ, the same thing. By that time I was being taught, over and over again, about Darwin's breakthrough in scientific theory. The origin of the species. Was shown the graphic of the
proof in embryo development similarities in reptiles, fish, various animals, and man. A graphic that still appears in some classroom textbooks even though it has been proved that it is a fraud.
I believed Genesis 1:1 and John 3:16. I also believed what I was being taught from grade school to college. Believed what I read in "scientific" magazines and books long after I left formal schooling. Just as I believed all those Nat Geo and Discovery channel "documentaries". Being an avid science fiction fan, at the time didn't help either.
The only way I could reconcile Gen 1:1 and John 3:16 with what I though I knew for fact, was one little phrase.
Genesis 1:1 tells who created the earth. John 3:16 tell why. Evolution tells how.
I didn't even know that belief had a name, until I was challenged on my little phrase.
When it comes to dinosaurs in general, the biblical evidence is less than clear but I think we can all agree that it was 'a long time ago'.
That's why I asked the specific question. We bought our house 'a long time ago'. In this day, staying in the same place for 29 years is a long time.
Still asking, BTW. In your opinion did dinosaurs live thousand or millions of years ago?
There are many places in the Bible where evidence is less than clear. If everything was crystal clear there wouldn't be any need for faith. I can see the stapler on my desk. Therefore I don't need any faith to be assured it's right where I'm looking as I type.
Hebrews 1:1 KJB Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
While biblical evidence of dinosaurs is less than clear, physical evidence is becoming more clear as time passes. I won't repeat the links others have posted. Nor, take the time, right now, to find the links uncovered during my studies. Includes, BTW, commentary from "scientists" who disagree with them dying out 26,000 million years ago from an astroid strike in the Gulf.
Alternative scientific viewpoints that have received little, if any postive attention. Either ignored by "educators" or discounted in other demeaning ways. If I'd been given the opportunity to study or even been made aware that opposing opinions and study existed, perhaps I wouldn't have formed a hybrid belief that was incapable of sustaining itself. Most hybrids cannot faithfully reproduce copies of themselves.
If you study the issue with diligence you find that good Christians hold a great variety of opinions on this topic.
Was already aware of that long before I began studies that brought me back to God's word. It was only a few years ago that I tangled with my sister over this very issue. (Friendly engagement, BTW). Also, I've heard the Gap theory, a day is a thousand years, etc. at my own church. That thick binder filled with notes that I kept with me, while doing this study was all the "diligence" I needed. "What are you studing?" "Oh, I believe ..........".
Plus, remember, when I started this study, I was determined to prove that I was right. Therefore anyone who agreed with me was just what I was seeking. Someone else had a little different idea on that.
Merely quoting Genesis 1 won't convince anyone.
These good Christians believe the same God as you, read the same scriptures you do, they may even go to the same church you do, but they interpret the words you posted differently.
They are just as convinced that God created the universe and everything in it in six days... they just interpret the meaning of the words broadly.
I know. Genesis 1 didn't convince me either. At least not for a long time.
Last I heard, it takes about 7 years of Sunday school classes to cover the contents of the Bible. If the lesson plan used, intends to cover the Holy Book from cover to cover. Thus over a 12 year timespan to graducate from highschool how many times is the Creation week covered in SS study? Two hours maybe? How many hours, in public school would you guess is given to evolution studies? Pure speculation from long ago memories. One week per year @ 1 hour per day per week times 9 years (12 yrs - grades 1-3) = 45 hours plus an equal time for homework. 90+ hours compared to 2 or so. Easy to see why a HS diploma also carries a belief that evolution isn't just a theory. It's a FACT!
That just guesstimated study time for the topic of evolution. Doesn't include related studies that are used to reinforce the concepts of evolution.
Add to those hours all the hours in front of media screens that promote evolution. Denounce God in the classroom. Promote bunny rabbits and jolly red-suited elves and being politically correct with "Happy Holidays".
My words were not said with the thought that I'd convince anyone. I KNOW better. I know what it took to convince me. That's the reason why Proverbs 2:3-6 combined with 2 Tim 2:15 are some of my favorite Bible verses. I had help from One who knows the truth.