My neighbor down the street drank beer with my neighbor across the street. They drank beer to beat the band. The neighbor down the street, who had been diabetic for about 25 years and ignored his medical problem, ended up having two heart attacks and two strokes in the same day. He's been confined to a nursing home for the past four years. The neighbor across the street still drinks like a fish.
When I moved here they both took a dislike toward me because I wouldn't drink beer with them but rather, was a faithful Christian. I was referred to as, "...that thing over there...,"
Well, I don't dislike these two men but had no desire to hang out with 'em. I mean, what business does "a thing" have with two certified beer tasters for the Miller Brewing Company? Do I hate these types? No. By politely refusing their hospitality, am I discriminating against them? No.
After living here for 13 years there were five separate occasions where this guys wife approached us about one thing or another all the while Fire and Brimstone was flowing from her mouth and nostrils. I was gracious about it but finally told the guy that if the only time his wife wanted to communicate and otherwise be neighborly with us in that fashion, tell her to stay away. She hasn't been back since.
Should they every show up in church I'll be as polite with them as I can be. Otherwise, I have no need to mingle with them. When I see the guy outside I wave to him; we've met and talking in the yard about one thing or another, but that's about it.
On one occasion he told me that he believed in the Man Upstairs so for sure he's recognized my example. Now if this guy want's to drink himself to death there isn't anything I can do about it.
The average Joe has the right to like or dislike anything or anybody he so desires. Only when this average Joe takes up an action to purposely harm another because of their way in life, then it becomes discrimination.