Try this so you can get it right. Take what I've said to each of the sources you mentioned ask them if what you believe they said to be correct or what I said to be correct and then you can get back with me on it.
It isn't about what I say they believe. It's about what the Catholic sources I quoted verbatem say they believe.
How about this Ask Lori4dogs if what I said with regard to the magisterium is correct or is it not correct and how it compares with your analysis and see what she says.
First of all, it has nothing to do with "my analysis". I quoted not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE Catholic authorities ALL stating that PURGATORY IS FOR SINNERS TO EXPIATE THEIR OWN SINS.
I've read Keating as well I doubt he would agree with you.
Actually, I quoted Keating's own words. You really don't think Keating would agree with himself?
And note you can ask two different priest the same question and get two different answers however I challenge you to speak with this priest you mention and have him look at my post and see what he says.
Actually, I didn't merely "mention" him. I quoted the text of his homily, in which he explains that the purpose of Purgatory is for sinners to expiate their own sins.
That way you can be sure of the conclusion.
Are you saying that the Catholic website that posted the text of his homily cannot be trusted?
As far as the Southern Baptist Convention goes they pretty explicitly explain in common language what they believe in their Baptist faith and Message points. However, there is diversity over other things between the different churches. However, I think there are enough SBC members here that out qualify me on the Convention.
That wasn't my question. Again: who is more qualified to speak on the beliefs of the SBC: the BF&M or you?
You still fail to mention to expiate their sins is speaking about the second consequence of sin as I've shown you from their sources. BTW you didn't show your source on Keating you only keep quoting trent and the CCC where it leaves off this specific detail.
Not one of the five sources I listed makes this distinction.
The Convention is more qualified to speak about what it holds to believe.
OK. So why doesn't that apply to the Catholic Church? Why do you feel that you're more qualified to declare what the Catholic Church teaches than the Catholic church, but not the SBC?