Four pages and only one attempt to answer the OP. Thanks to Webdog. Now can a dispy please explain why today's Israel is the Israel prophesied in the last days before Christ's return?
Though I'm a progressive dispensationalist, I don't accept that the political Israel of current is the same as spiritual Israel of the OT. So I guess I answered the OP from that perspective.
The dispensationalists who affirm what you're getting into usually start with the unfulfilled Abrahamic covenant that, though extended by the Church, will only be fulfilled in the re-establishment of the Nation of Israel (regardless of form or faithfulness) prior to the pre-tribulational rapture of the Church. The re-established Nation of Israel plays a key role in the Tribulation with a number of eschatological acts being performed around and within its borders.
The current National Israel is an extension of the OT Israel insofar as it is comprised of genetic descendants of Abraham (Jews are of the Tribe of Judah.) Also given their genealogical link they thus are inheritors of the Abrahamic Covenant which (according to Dispensational Pre-Millennial/Pre-Tribulationalists) is binding and unconditional. Thus the Jews are the natural inheritors of the Abrahamic promise of a great nation, land, and progeny.
Therefore any promises of the OT for Israel which are currently unfulfilled, these transfer to the re-established Israel for prophetic accomplishment at the end of the age. Revelation becomes a key in the (mis)interpretation of the role of Israelite concepts (tribes, male virgins, heavenly kingdom images, etc.)
I don't know, but that is just my take.