Like Annsni said, they're pretty. What is the purpose of having flowers on the communion table on Sunday morning?
I really don't know, but looks to be the woman's touch. What I see is the live flowers will point to when Jesus was alive on this earth, and such surely is about one's that are, or believe they are of Israel. Do we worship the man Jesus? Jesus warns the Daughters that the Tribulation period twill come, and those promised that Kingdom that was at hand will come, and those of Israel will go through it. I plan to be gone from this earth before that time, whether resurrected, or caught up.
I have no idea what people goes on in peoples minds, but I know people bow down to it.Because they're pretty and appropriate for the season. Do you really think a Christmas tree conjures up images or thoughts of false gods? Do you know anyone who prays to a Christmas tree?
What can be said other than, did the tradition come from God, or did it come from man?Scripture tells us who began the practice, and we know who started Christ-mass. Billions of people today love the Christmas Tree, whether they be Christian are not. Christians did not have a Tree, i.e. until when?I don't know exactly where it came from, other than that it originated hundreds of years ago in northern Europe. Whether it has pagan or Christian origins doesn't matter. The Christmas tree today is thoroughly a part of a Christian tradition.