If someone puts a gun to your face and demands your wallet, you'll hand it over.
No, I won't.
Under no conditions whatsoever, would I surrender my wallet,
but, I spent years as an anti-terrorism security chief....
So, I give absolutely
I would watch you and your whole family be murdered in cold blood, but, I'd give a criminal nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Granted, Brothet, you don't desire to lose your money, but you'd desire to live
I have 0.0% desire to live.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
I care less than nothing for my own earthly existence.
I know where I'm going when I die.
Do you?
moreso than having your face blown off and still losing your wallet...
I give criminals absolutely
They are afraid of death.....
I'm not.
Are you?
What matters for my kids is their eternity, not some stupid limited earthly existence which is paltry, pale, temporary and full of pain in a sin-sick world. Is this something I care that they experience??
In the World of the Scriptures....
What matters is Eternity...
Not the sin-sick world you think I want my kids to live in.
I don't know what horrors you wish you children to experience, but, it's all the same to me, if my children escape this sin-sick world and be reunited with their redeemer, the first-fruits of the resurrection and belay their chances of dealing with violence and horror and criminality.
You see.....
I actually
BELIEVE the Bible......
So, I'm not addicted to planet Earth.
If you are...
Well, that's you, but you don't speak for myself or my children.
You don't want to lose either, but your money you'd give up in lieu of your kids...
My greatest and most passionate will for my children......
is that they
You may love this sin-sick world and desire your children to suffer in torment with it, but, I don't.
I know a redeemer who promises them eternity in perfect fellowship with our father....
You don't seem to understand that.
Put that in your Calvinist pipe and smoke it.
I know these are hypotheticals, but I hope you understand my points I made...
They are crap hypotheticals which are faithless and don't apply to me.
KNOW who my redeemer is, and my
GREATEST hope is that my children meet him....
I'm not a Calvinist who shares your false ideas about Original Sin.... (a false doctrine)....but, I do read the Bible....and I have no interest in my children inhabiting the sin-sick world you seem to love and want your children to inhabit.
Terra-firma can go to gehenna....my friend......it will anyway.
If that's not something Calvinists like yourself are capable of understanding, than, I'd like to introduce to you the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Neither the Apostle Paul nor myself are or were addicted to this planet...
It's gonna burn in fire and ash.....
Even if there
WERE no God, this planet and it's inhabitants are doomed.
The entire physical Universe will either burn out and suffer a slow heat-death and come to naught, or, there is a redeemer who cares about us and died on the cross to give us eternal life.
My concerns are for my children's (I have 5 of them)
How many do you have?
Are you afraid of death on this Earth?.....you appear to be.
I'm not.
My Theology appears to be far more freeing than yours.
I don't care if all five of my children die tomorrow, in fact, I'd prefer it....
I love them, but, I
KNOW where they are going.
This sin-sick planet can rot...........
I love my children enough not to want them here.