You welcmed me in words only.
I saw you only posted 10 times ..so i offered a welcome...if you cannot accept that...it is your problem
Because I disagree with you, whether it be on doctrine, or the meaning of Spurgeon, is beside the point.
You called what I said "Lies" and "Falsehoods".
your post was a mis-representation of the sermon...if it was deliberate that would be called a lie....if it was just mistaken understanding by you it would be a falsehood...in either case..I offered you correction by posting from the actual sermon......you should say...oh yes..i see I posted in error about the sermon .
I said nothing to merit such an ugly response, it is just a tactic you choose to win arguments.
correcting a falsehood is not an ugly response...and ugly response is you with an agenda being less the open and making emotionally unstable accusations.
I am not angry at being called a liar, as it is not true.
if it is not true and what you did was just mistaken ...okay...but that is between you and God.
However, if this is how you respond to another believer, I hate to think of the damage you would do behind a pulpit, and God forbid you ever go on a mission trip.
If you look at the posts you will see that I have correctly identified your agenda..I suspected it by your response....you remember...you said i am enthralled...
Rather than preaching the GOSPEL, you spend your time here earnestly defending a doctrine I am sure you believe,
That is your perspective which you are welcome to...people here profess to be believers...so I do not usually preach the gospel to believers.I address questions and offer bible truth, cut and paste good links quite often.
I do contend for the faith here on a DEBATE FORUM...yes..that is what it is for. You do not know me at all but It is looking as if you have stalked the board for awhile and you want to "go on the attack".
I try to help people who want help....you look as if you do not want help or biblical interaction, but keep in mind it was you that asked me twice for an answer...you said you found nothing to disagree with[maybe that made you unhappy as it seems as if you want to put down the grace of God.]
If someone wants help with the gospel ...I help.
but in all truth should be of little interest to a mature Christian, as it is an irrelevant doctrine to anyone who is already saved.
This is an ungodly perspective.The truth of God is of interest to all Christians.Many Christians want to make sure they are accurately speaking the truth of God. if it was not important truth God would not have inscripturated it....he would have sent us a tract,,instead of 66 books. sorry You do not share this view. Sorry you feel that way.You have posted this idea 2 times in 4 posts.
The only purpose your combative "debating" serves is to bring back an old controversy that has split apart the Baptist church in centuries past, and is doing so again today.
Again....you are coming at me, any any other cal making accusations .
Guess what my friend...I will answer your attack if that is what you desire.
I would rather help someone who desires help.I have been around long enough to know who wants help,and who wants to offer up sanctimonious garbage...There is no controversy.There is truth. some believe it, some do not understand it, some attack it.
You call me a liar, you label what I, and countless millions of other believing Christians, believe as a heresy.
pelagianism,and semi pelagianism is heresy...if you believe those ideas you need to repent of such falsehood. Paul in Galatians had no trouble identifying these ideas expressed by judiazers as another gospel and neither do I.
You have no authority, place, or right to define how anyone other than your own "self" came to salvation.
I did not claim any such authority...what are you talking about? what did i post that said this to you?
I do not speak for you on this matter, but your actions do, and the words you use toward other Christians are damning words, from one end or the other.
Again....post something I posted that says this ...to you
Chist commanded we preach the Gospel, but rather than bringing new believers into the Body of Christ, you are working overtime to drive other, already believing Christians out of the Baptist Church.
You do not know me or what I do.I speak everyday to multiple persons about the truth of the gospel. This accusation shows your agenda once again.I think your view is pathetically sad and short sighted.
I have been a Baptist more than half a century, I grew up in a very large SBC church, and prior to 2000, both sides of this old controvesy existed in harmony within the same Church, and it was only with the revisions of the BMOF that self righteous zelots were again to be heard thrashing those who disagreed with there precious Calvin.
Your perception of these brethren is what you are posting against me..your jaundiced eye and pride showing through.
I cannot speak for you, but I am indwelled by the Holy Ghost, having Blessed Assurance in my salvation.
You are so puffed up in pride over what you think you know that you dare to tell me how I came to know God.
Post where I said this.....pride?? or maybe I called you on your error,and you cannot respond to it...so it has to be pride on my part....oic
You are just anogher pilgrim like me, no more, certainly no lesss, and you have no way to know how God has dealt with me.
God works in His own ways, and it is not your place to define them.
There are many Christian "beliefs", but there is but one Christian "Faith.
That LIVING Faith is a Gift of God.
If what John Calvin taught speaks to your heart, and brought you to God, then that is your truth.
I believed in election and predestination before i ever heard of calvin.it is biblical....when i read Ephesians 1 I know what the truth of God is at its core,although obviously it has grown over time
All truth is God's truth,,,,it is not my truth or your truth
It is not my truth.
If God's truth is not your truth, then by your own mouth you need to be born from above . Otherwise you are saying that the historic faith of the church is a falsehood...so which is it? I cannot see your heart...but i see what you are posting so I would caution you not to let your emotions get the best of you here..and you end up denying the God of the bible.
Before you start impressing us alll with your vast knoweldge by damning me to Hell as a heritic, please consider two things.
This kind of wicked posting sets me off. I have not done any of what you say.
The fact that you cannot respond biblically after being "in church for years " is to your shame. I do not have to impress anyone with anything.
if you go to hell as a heretic , that is between you and God.
many religious professors will be sent to hell as goats MT 7:21-24
Again...I have not posted anything as you say.....repent
You don't get to tell my testimony, I was there when it happened, and I ought to know.
If God has saved you by His grace that is wonderful,as far as you being there and knowing,,,,that can be another story.
Being prideful of knowledge is the oldest curse on Mankind, and you would do well to consider not only the facts of, but the nature of Adam's disobediance, and the result of the works of knowlege you do here.