We should have never left that war unfinished either. It was only because our people did not have the resolve to stick it out that we quit and left it to others to pick up the suffering.Originally posted by StraightAndNarrow:
... The war is just like Viet Nam. The sooner we get out and cut our losses the better.
It's too bad the price became too high, the burden too heavy, and the hardship to great. It's really a shame that we dumped our friend into the hands of our foe through a bogus "peace with honor" treaty.President Kennedy said:
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge - and more.
I want no part of such a thing for this generation of veterans. I want them to be known as those that won the war in Iraq because everyone in their great country wanted them to and stuck with them all the way.
If we start something we need to finish it. If we can't then let's never start. We already started Iraq and the only acceptable answer is to finish it.
Finishing it means satisfactorily turning it over to a self governing nation that's trained and equipped to handle the continued development of a government that represents their citizens and will not support or harbor terrorists that would bring us great harm. We can leave when that goal is reached. We're a lot closer now than we've ever been.