millions and millions of years
some believe it was a 24 hour day
some believe a thousand year day - yet there is that day that wasn't limited to 24 hours
I could posit that a day means "a work", and each of the six is indeed a separate work
From my science studies I recall that the earliest known life was an organism that appears to have existed for one purpose or "work". If it was the first of its kind then it lived entirely on inorganic food, and this one appears to have done that. The evidence is that it filtered dissolved inorganic elements from seawater for food, one of which was dissolved iron.
It excreted the undigestible iron which then settled on the sea floors as an oxide - since there was little oxygen in the atmosphere at that time there is no other way iron oxide (rust) could have formed.
This sediment became the beds of iron ore we harvest from the earth today.
Once this dissolved iron was cleared from the seas the organism went dormant - where it once loaded the seas it now exists only in tiny colonies, and appears more like a rock than a living organism. Looks like it did its assigned job and retired from active duty.
Work completed.
Next came organisms that more closely resemble living things. These also live on inorganic food - mainly carbon dioxide - and excrete oxygen - which we couldn't live without, and what had been a dead world changed drastically.
The seas merrily teemed with these new creatures, happily feeding on the dead matter of the elements, but a new factor was introduced.
Creatures that couldn't live off inorganic food, they fed off other creatures.
Then other creatures that fed off those creatures.
Until there were large horrid things resembling armored scorpions that hunted the deep.
They hunted their prey to extinction then starved off.
Yet this cycle continued - even onto the land.
There was no "terror" in the seas when it teemed with harmless creatures that fed off dissolved inorganic material.
Yet something always came later (like Ann's puppy) that made the world a scarier place.
Evil? Strictly speaking no. It was a mindless cycle of eat-and-be-eaten, a world of instinct, not thought or sentience.
A world of the meek being preyed on by the carnal - as in "carne" or meat.
The world of the mindless animal, the Jungle. The Natural or Carnal World.
Then came a new change, and it was no longer mindless. Along came Knowledge of Good and Evil - intelligence, sentience - Thought. Yet it was still the Jungle.
Bear in mind that this is the Scientific Genesis here.
What had been a small harmless creature feeding off plants, and being fed on by Carn-ivores. In time it became a carnivore as well, and moved out of Eden.
The Greatest Carnivore of all, equipped with deadly intelligence.
The change continued, but appeared to go two ways.
One of the species actually used its intelligence to become a kind carnivore, taking the time to give its prey a painless, as close to possible pleasant death.
Another took a different route.
It actually preyed on its own kind - killing and eating them.
At their apex this subspecies had great temples, where thousands of their own kind were put to a cruel, horrifying death - to feed a supernatural predator.
Carnal Religion, predatory worship.
It's plain as day to me.
The Battle, and between who; the works done, and the attempt to undo them.
It's also plain which version of the written Story of it all came first - and to men who knew nothing but the most rudimentary Science.
As opposed to the 20/20 hindsight version.
And from whom, which.
To whom, for what purpose.
You can argue about what a Day is, but whatever version you use, the Story remains the same - and it is obvious which version is the story of the Will of God.
And God's Work.
God bless