But yet they have all had experiences with the HS above & beyond their regeneration experiences.... would they have been considered Charismatics today? Would D. L Moody---look up his testimony, would Wesley--look up his, would Whitefield OK I will give you one Jonathan Edwards & If you cant find it, rest assured that I will make the effort. Again I caution you, no scripture cautions not to Quench the HS.
I do believe in the fullness of the Holy Spirit for the work of God in the same tradition as Moody and R. A. Torrey. One of the most helpful books for my ministry I ever read was
The Holy Spirit: Who He Is and What He Does by Torrey. Again, Torrey's pamphlet,
Why God Used D. L. Moody, is excellent.
My grandfather's books on the Holy Spirit are in the same vein, in particular
The Power of Pentecost or the Fullness of the Spirit. In fact, though Granddad was a Baptist he used to invite the Pentecostals to participate in his city-wide campaigns back in the '40's and '50s with the caveat that they would not talk about tongues and he would not preach about Baptism. This was before the Charismatic mess started in the '60's.
Where you are mistaken is that you're mixing up the original Pentecostal tradition which started at the Azusa Street Revival in 1906, and the modern Charismatic movement, which didn't begin until the early '60s. Harold Bredesen coined the term in 1962.
How the Charismatic Movement began by penetrating main line churches and spreading tongues doctrine (splitting many churches) is well documented by Richard Quebedeux in
The New Charismatics. The old line Pentecostals don't believe in many things the Charismatics think are important: ecumenicalism (Pentecostals are separatists), "word of faith," "health and wealth," etc.
Furthermore, the heretical Charismatic doctrine of the "manifest sons of God" got the proto-Charismatics kicked out of the Church of God back in the '40s, I believe. (Don't have the details at hand right now.)
For perspective for you, I highly recommend
Charismatic Chaos, by Calvinist John MacArthur. Or if you want a book by an old line Pentecostal, try
Charismatism: Awakening or Apostasy? by O. Talmadge Spence.