My take on this is that Dobson is doing in Canada what he must do to continue to have his program continued and be aired. It's either that or shut down his ministry there.... and there is more to the Word of God and its instruction than one topic of interest hmmmm "sin".
Recently I heard on the radio of two men, one is a reporter and the other is a minister: I don't know which is which.... didn't catch that part.... but the minister is a citizen of the United States being prosecuted in Canada under Canadian law of 'hate speach.' Just what he said and in what country he said it.... I don't know... but its my understanding that our government is cooperating and refusing to intervene in any way: Both men are on my 'prayer list' as both are being prosecuted for the hate speech and, I trust, they both have real needs whether 'guilty' by Canadian law or not. Their names are Mark Steyn an d Paul Williams. I tried to google but nothing came up.... (may try this again).
My personal opinion and position is that God gave us speech and intended it to be free: This is the basis for its protection under our constitution. God (for those like me who receive God's word as final) has also made us responsible for every word we speak, whether foolish or hateful, false or true. We are told to present ourselves in such a way that if any have ought to say against us.... it is because of our presenting the Word of God. I present myself and my opinion..... and so does everyone else..... but this is not always under the governance or guidance of God's word.... and when we do we are subject to criticism from those who are unforgiving, or in a position to properly rebuke, or out side the faith and jubilant that a 'just' opportunity presented itself.
If we truely believe God, then we will always be responsive to His Word, and willing to present it in season and out of season regardless of consequences, regardless of criticism: If we yield God's Word to the slave master of a man-made law, then we have made ourselves the servant of man and not God. But we owe no man the right to judge our conscience in such matters..... only God is our judge and He plainly tells us who our accusers are!