Well-Known Member
Sure it is, but you can’t seem to grasp the teaching.
Assuming you believe in some prevenient or preceding Grace thinking that isn’t even found in Scriptures by example or statement, how is it that you want to deny the truths I have pointed to you in Scriptures?
Rather you turn to human reasoning attempting to make one of the attributes of God that He has to play fair.
He sets the rules and establishes the parameters, and He is not to be questioned about fairness. He sees the heart, judges the motives of every creature, and we have a hard enough time just being honest with ourself.
We are but sowers of the seed, sometimes even water bucket carriers, but it is God that gives the increase.
God gives the increase, not some failed, frail human hopeful faith.
Why would God rest the great atonement upon such weakness in a human that has a history of rebellion and pride?
Why do you deny the truth that God loves His creation and desires all to be saved? If we went by your thinking it should be God loves just His elect and has condemned the rest to hell just because He could. If you want to see what God is like look to Christ Jesus.
You say >>He sees the heart, judges the motives of every creature<< and why would I question if God is fair. Well if He determines everything that happens that means everything not somethings. So if He makes a man a sinner that does not turn to Him then how is that man responsible since he cannot overrule God can he?
I understand that you want to protect the integrity of God but that is not what I am questioning. God is sovereign but in that sovereignty He has allowed for man to have a true free will so he can make true choices about his salvation.
If man only has the pseudo free will of Calvinism then God is still the only frre agent and thus is responsible for all that happens good or bad.