Moses was face to face with God with no prophet between them.
I do not disagree. But that also proves the point I was making. "Face to face" means face to face.
As Moses, the Apostles, and others who were "face to face" with nothing between.
I am not diminishing the Scriptures. Rather, the Scriptures tell of Him, they are not Him. When He returns, we are face to face and no need to attempt to discern mysteries through fallen eyes and the bias of sin. We will be face to face, nothing between.
we read the scriptures we are face to face with the Author, no "Authoritative Magisterium" between us.
Here is a problem. Reading what is written by the author is never being "face to face" with the author.
The Lord said, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;..." If the Scriptures were the author, why then would He make such a statement?
Face to face with the author will happen, but it is not now, and therefore this passage of Paul is yet to be fulfilled.
we study to show ourselves approved unto God.
Why would I disagree with that?
But, note that it takes study, it takes effort, it takes time, it takes diligence.
That is not true when one is "face to face."
Rather, "face to face" would be along the lines of Amos' statement, "Do two men walk together unless they have made an appointment?"
To illustrate:
When one makes a doctor appointment, they have no desire to sit in the library reading about cures for illness, but want face to face time with the physician.
One can and should read and apply the principles of the Scriptures, yet when the Lord returns, it is then that the statement of Paul is truly satisfied:
now we see in a mirror dimly,
but then face to face;
now I know in part,
but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known."
Look at the tenses of the English.
"will" is placed as in the future, yet what has Paul stated has already occurred? Is it not that he is already fully known? Who has fully known Paul? Christ. When will Paul be "face to face" no longer seeing "through a mirror dimly?" When he is present with the Lord. When will the time of the Holy Spirit helps cease? In the presence of the Lord, at His return.