Repeating false claims does not rebut the evidence, your claims have been demonstrated false.What I wrote is accurate. You have not refuted what I wrote. And to quote myself:
"Prices shot up after the worldwide pandemic subsided and people started driving and flying again. Thus, the demand for crude oil went back up(which raises the price of gasoline and fuel oil), and, also, the demand for gasoline and jet fuel went back up. The price of gasoline dropped so much during 2020 because everyone was basically staying at home and not taking vacations and, in general, just not traveling much."
Price shot up under the Biden\/Harris administration policies.
People drove fewer miles per year in 2022 than in 2018.
Demand did increase after the temporary reduction in demand due to the biological attack from China, but since the price of gasoline shot up about 90%, when the demand remained less, as measured by miles driven, the explanation is bogus.
Compare the average price of gas the first two years of Mr. Trump to Mr. Biden, and you will fine the price went way up.