I have read the KJV over 50 years. I accept the KJV as what it actually is. I do my best to present the truth concerning the KJV. My view of the KJV is actually the same basic view of it as that held by its makers so how would that supposedly be attacking its veracity?
I do not attack those who state the actual truth concerning the KJV and who teach sound Bible doctrine relating to it and other English Bible translations.
I properly and soundly object to those who make claims for the KJV that they do not prove to be true and do not prove to be scriptural. The KJV itself does not state nor teach the modern KJV-only theory. KJV-only advocates will make assertions for the KJV that are not true and that are not scriptural. Disagreeing with human, non-scriptural KJV-only reasoning is not attacking the veracity of the KJV. It would be wrong to try to suggest that criticism of non-scriptural KJV-only reasoning/teaching is criticism of the KJV itself.
You say the KJV's makers are men and stop there.
It is the word of God and you do not give it its just.
That is the human mind set.
You need empirical proofs.
You know and I know that I cannot give those to you.
When our Lord said,
Man shall not live by bread alone but by
every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4
he was actually speaking to the devil.
(Please just think to yourself the answers to these questions.)
Why did he say "man" then?
Just only quoting the Old Testament?
Were those words only true for that one time He spoke them in that situation?
Why did He say every word from the mouth of God?
Every word
Comes from the mouth of God
I am trying to reason with you using scripture. Not "KJVO principles" and by your saying that you throw in one of your little but often digs.
You read the KJV why?
"I properly and soundly object to those who make claims for the KJV that they do not prove to be true and do not prove to be scriptural. "
Here you are calling me a liar in scholarly like language.
Above is the scripture quoted.
It is true.
Why do not you believe the word of God?
You have principles of pride but no scripture if you do not believe the KJV is the word of God.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
You say the KJV is not scripture.
That is the lie.
Fifty years of maybe God will speak to my heart.
Humble yourself and accept the word of God.