Too "anything" can impact the efforts to spread the gospel: too rigid, too loose, too formal, too informal, too much legalism, too much licentiousness, too much emphasis on evangelism and not enough on discipleship and vice versa, too much emphasis on the basics and not enough on the meat of the Word, too much generalization and not enough specificity, too much specificity and not enough general and foundational basics.
Churches - all churches - can engorge themselves on too much of anything.
The problem is that we all are in different places and different walks. Sometimes we have to leave a church that is swelling itself with "too much" of one thing at the expense of all the rest that the church is called to do.
Unless another church is in sin and open violation of the Word - such as teaching a works based doctrine or ordaining a homosexual as a deacon - I just cannot very easily judge if that church is into "too much" of something.