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Is God unjust to hold the generation at the time of Christ responsible for the murder of Abel, though they had no ability to do so?I'm pointing you to the root meaning of the origin of this word. We understand one who is able to respond is 'response-able,' thus when you remove the ability for one to respond you remove their responsibility or culpability. It is not that difficult.
Adam's sin is your sin, though it was committed thousands of years ago. You are not a free moral agent.You accusation of non-sequitur is based on the fallacy of a false dichotomy, as if the judgement of God must be based on one or the other when in reality it is both...
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reading this thread all I see from the cal camp is "you this" and "you don't that" instead of "I believe" and "our view".
Is God unjust to hold the generation at the time of Christ responsible for the murder of Abel, though they had no ability to do so?
Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers of religious law. But you will kill some by crucifixion, and you will flog others with whips in your synagogues, chasing them from city to city. As a result, you will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people of all time—from the murder of righteous Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed in the Temple between the sanctuary and the altar. Mat. 23:34-35 NLT
Paul said, "because all sinned," not "because Adam sinned." But really it is not either/or, it is both/and.Adam's sin is your sin, though it was committed thousands of years ago.
Then God is making me tell you that you are incorrect. :smilewinkgrin:You are not a free moral agent.
Don't you mean to say that God hasn't addressed anything through me? Remember, I'm not a free moral agent. I'm just doing what I was made to do by God, so take it up with Him. :thumbs:But you haven't addressed anything.
To claim the creature only has the liberty of freedom of the will through secondary cause does not “establish” the free ability of the creature to consciously choose, on the contrary it establishes a pre-determinate (first) cause which restricts the creatures ability to freely and of his own will to consciously choose.
I'm only going to address this one point because the totality of your post flows from a wrong understanding of this point.
Here, again, is Westminster:
God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.The first clause is not talking about "determinism," as you presuppose. The first cause is addressing what we refer to as Sovereignty.
To say that God is sovereign means that He does as He pleases. Where you err is that you presuppose that this means that He is controlling persons like pawns, bishops, knights, etc. on a chess board. But, we, and the Westminster Divines, did not believe this.
If you look at the second clause, you will see the use of the adversative conjunction "yet." This means that the second clause and the first clause do not exist in separate vacuums. Rather, due to the use of the adversative "yet" it is understood that God ordains all things or God is sovereign over all things but that sovereignty does not make Him the author of sin.
If you further not the third and fourth clauses, they begin with the coordinating conjunction "nor." The "nor" looks back to the "yet" and continues the exceptions, extending the exceptions to to say that God does not over-rule the will of the creature nor does He remove liberty.
Now, it is obvious that you disagree with Westminster. That's fine. But, it is really absurd to try to redefine what is so clearly written based on your presuppositions. In other words, you need to let Westminster speak for itself. Once you have done that, you are--obviously--free to confront the ideas contained therein. For example, you can say "The authors of Westminster say that God ordains everything that comes to pass and they say that God isn't the author of sin. How can those two ideas be the case?" In asking questions like this you argue the merits of the confession itself rather than setting up a strawman and holding the arguments of others to your strawman born of your own flawed presupposition drawn from an unfair reading of Westminster.
Also, it is important to remember that the Confessions themselves are just that--confessions. Often they do not give reasons. You are looking for reasons, and that's fine. Don't look for reasons by redefining the confession. Take the confession at face value and then ask your questions.
The Archangel
AA, where do you think 'Compatibilism' got its name? It is from the idea that they believe Determinism is "compatible" with human freedom. By denying the determinism of your system you have nothing with which to be compatible. Hard determinists, which I know you are not, are not compatibilists because they simply deny free will. But what is free will compatible with in your system if not the determinism you seek to deny?The first clause is not talking about "determinism," as you presuppose.
Here is the problem with that. We BOTH affirm sovereignty. Our debate is regarding how one defines such: like a free will libertarian or a compatibilistic determinist. You, whether you acknowledge it or not, side with the determinists on the first point of the case. To deny that is to deny the need for compatibility.The first cause is addressing what we refer to as Sovereignty.
Again, this is insufficient because what if it pleased God to create a world more like the one defined by the libertarian rather than the determinist?To say that God is sovereign means that He does as He pleases.
But I already know how you answer this. You affirm free will by defining it as "doing what one desires," and I've already presented a well reasoned case for why that is an insufficient ground for freedom given the divine determinism of man's inborn nature/desires.For example, you can say "The authors of Westminster say that God ordains everything that comes to pass and they say that God isn't the author of sin. How can those two ideas be the case?"
Am I missing something? Does the decree really state that free will is only through secondary causes?
Of God's Eternal Decree
I. God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.
No, they are not responsible for the same kinds of things, they are responsible for the murders of all the godly of all time, because in their hearts, despite their lip service, they hated the godly, and as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.In the same way, these Israelites didn't personally kill Able but they were likewise guilty of the same sins they claimed they would never have done. Jesus was showing them how they were just as guilty of doing the exact same things they said they would never do.
Yeah, it could be that you are missing something. Second causes are mutually exclusive to liberty in the will of the creature and they do not establish or justify the first clause.
No, they are not responsible for the same kinds of things, they are responsible for the murders of all the godly of all time, because in their hearts, despite their lip service, they hated the godly, and as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
As Forrest's mother always said, "Stupid is as stupid does."So, men are judged according to what they are, not their abilities.
Yet, you are so open minded and ready to receive other's views. :applause:But back to the topic, God's hardening is not based on the actions of those who are hardened, as you erroneously and stubbornly assert.
Exactly. God elected for Israel to be the nation that brought redemption to the world. He did this by:Paul said it very clearly. It is based on His purposes according to election
Meaning one was chosen for noble purposes and one was not, just as we are called to choose God over our parents, wife and children by "hating" them. Jacob was chosen to be the father of the Christ...Esau was not.--that and that alone. His choices concerning Jacob and Esau prove it. One was hated and one was loved before any had done any good or evil.
Amen! He had mercy on Paul but hardened the Pharisee standing next to him, but does that mean the hardened one is unloved and will certainly go to hell? Has he stumbled beyond recovery because God chose to hardened him and save Paul?God will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy, and He will harden whom He wills, because He is God.
Ironic you say that when scripture teaches: "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up," when apparently it should have said, "God will humble you before Himself so as to lift you up."You may not like this answer, but that's the answer the Spirit gives you until you're humble enough to receive it.
AA, where do you think 'Compatibilism' got its name? It is from the idea that they believe Determinism is "compatible" with human freedom. By denying the determinism of your system you have nothing with which to be compatible. Hard determinists, which I know you are not, are not compatibilists because they simply deny free will. But what is free will compatible with in your system if not the determinism you seek to deny?
Here is the problem with that. We BOTH affirm sovereignty. Our debate is regarding how one defines such: like a free will libertarian or a compatibilistic determinist. You, whether you acknowledge it or not, side with the determinists on the first point of the case. To deny that is to deny the need for compatibility.
Fallacy: petitio principiiAgain, this is insufficient because what if it pleased God to create a world more like the one defined by the libertarian rather than the determinist?
But I already know how you answer this. You affirm free will by defining it as "doing what one desires," and I've already presented a well reasoned case for why that is an insufficient ground for freedom given the divine determinism of man's inborn nature/desires.
BTW, do you consider instinctive choices of animals to be free as well, since they too are 'doing what they desire?'
In a deterministic framework you still must answer the question: "Why does one have that desire?" And the answer ends up being 'because God so ordained it to be.' Do you deny this?
But what is man's nature before the fall? This still needs to be answered.What you are arguing for is this: God views man as neutral and He instills a fallen nature into him as a result of the fall. That is not the case. As a natural effect (consequence) of Adam's rebellion, his nature became fallen and he passed that fallen nature on to all of us.
Charles, Charles, Charles.Look at the context Aaron.
29 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.' 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers! 33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34 Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. 35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.
Me either.I don't know how that can be any more clear.
Is God unjust to hold the generation at the time of Christ responsible for the murder of Abel, though they had no ability to do so?
Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers of religious law. But you will kill some by crucifixion, and you will flog others with whips in your synagogues, chasing them from city to city. As a result, you will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people of all time—from the murder of righteous Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed in the Temple between the sanctuary and the altar. Mat. 23:34-35 NLTSee who Christ accuses of a murder that occurred nealy a millenium prior to their birth, an act they had no ability to perform. So, you see, you're concept of justice is narrow, shallow, carnal and not at all biblical.
Adam's sin is your sin, though it was committed thousands of years ago. You are not a free moral agent.
But you haven't addressed anything. God accepted Jacob and rejected Esau. Esau because he was corrupt from conception and not a chosen vessel of mercy, and Jacob, though corrupt from conception, because he was a chosen vessel of mercy.
Again, from every angle, you cross swords with Paul.
Is God unjust to hold the generation at the time of Christ responsible for the murder of Abel, though they had no ability to do so?
Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers of religious law. But you will kill some by crucifixion, and you will flog others with whips in your synagogues, chasing them from city to city. As a result, you will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people of all time—from the murder of righteous Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed in the Temple between the sanctuary and the altar. Mat. 23:34-35 NLTSee who Christ accuses of a murder that occurred nealy a millenium prior to their birth, an act they had no ability to perform. So, you see, you're concept of justice is narrow, shallow, carnal and not at all biblical.
Adam's sin is your sin, though it was committed thousands of years ago. You are not a free moral agent.
But you haven't addressed anything. God accepted Jacob and rejected Esau. Esau because he was corrupt from conception and not a chosen vessel of mercy, and Jacob, though corrupt from conception, because he was a chosen vessel of mercy.
Again, from every angle, you cross swords with Paul.
Charles, Charles, Charles.
Me either.
Is God unjust to hold the generation at the time of Christ responsible for the murder of Abel, though they had no ability to do so?
Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers of religious law. But you will kill some by crucifixion, and you will flog others with whips in your synagogues, chasing them from city to city. As a result, you will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people of all time—from the murder of righteous Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed in the Temple between the sanctuary and the altar. Mat. 23:34-35 NLTSee who Christ accuses of a murder that occurred nealy a millenium prior to their birth, an act they had no ability to perform. So, you see, you're concept of justice is narrow, shallow, carnal and not at all biblical.
Adam's sin is your sin, though it was committed thousands of years ago. You are not a free moral agent.
But you haven't addressed anything. God accepted Jacob and rejected Esau. Esau because he was corrupt from conception and not a chosen vessel of mercy, and Jacob, though corrupt from conception, because he was a chosen vessel of mercy.
Again, from every angle, you cross swords with Paul.