I see that you are new to the BB....welcome. I will try to show you what I reacted to in your post......maybe you have been misinformed about some things...we can discuss in more detail in times to come....but lets see what we have here.
This limiting of what God can do is a complete falsehood...Anyone who is ever saved, is saved because God does save sinners. you believe God can save a retarded person, or a baby who dies in the womb??? or do you say God cannot????Do you see what i am getting at? Why would you say that God cannot?
I don't know if you are moving too fast for me or what, but I'm not totally following you. I believe a third of the angels in heaven willingly followed the devil in rebellion against God, knowing full well who God is. Likewise, retarded people, babies, or anyone else who might die before being enlightened by Jesus will still be enlightened by Jesus after death, because the Bible says Jesus is the Light that enlightens everyone ever born into the world.
God has purposed to save a multitude of sinners. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. he wept over Jerusalem.....nevertheless at the white throne they will be cast away.
Exactly, and they were clearly warned, according to Rom. 1, yet they still refused to repent and so they are without excuse. Jesus said "If I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin..." (John 15:22), but once the light is turned on they no longer have any excuse for rejecting God.
Calvinists understand that this verse is speaking of our great high priest who intercedes for the elect....not the world of the ungodly....
It is true that God intercedes for His elect, just as He chastens only His elect, but that in no way contradicts the scriptures which clearly show that God has no pleasure in people going to hell, but that they would turn from their sins and live.
This idea you express completely misses and denies the covenant working of God before time,and then in time....your idea puts man and mans volition in the place of God ..who in this scheme is only a spectator...hoping that somehow man will come through and choose God.
Of course I disagree with you about that, but I understand your position.
marke...what do you mean by this!
if it were just up to Godwho do you think it is up to....satan???man??
exposing himself to unneccesary grief???? He is not a victim...he is God of the whole universe.
Calvinists claim that salvation has nothing to do with the will of man, which means several things. One, condemnation also has nothing to do with man, since election (in calvinists' eyes) has nothing to do with works of any kind on either side) (Rom. 9). Secondly, God allowing sin to come into the world has nothing to do with salvation of man at all if God saves who he chooses to save apart from any outside issue. This portrays God as some kind of monster (bearing in mind that we mustn't call his monstrous works that we are accusing Him of of being monstrous). According to calvinists, if God chooses to bring sin into the world for His own unexplained pleasure, then who are we to question what we are accusing Him of? And who are we to try to figure out why he repented that He made man and how it could have grieved Him at His heart?
I have studied calvinism and remain anti-5 point calvinist, for what it is worth.
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