The word 'control' is used ALL THE TIME by both sides in regard to this point. In fact go
and you will see where you used the word in our previous discussion on this very point. In fact, on this same page glf quoted a long article which explained the differing aspects of divine 'control' (which is often use interchangeably with the term sovereignty). I acknowledged the distinctions of divine control in an earlier post...
If you will read the post you linked to, you will see that I said this: "ultimate control." And, the context is a disease like cancer, though I did indeed reference other evils including rape.
The "ultimate control" is that God is superintending the free actions of other people in instances like rape and murder. And, in the instance of cancer (which caused his death on May 1 of this year) God intended, super or otherwise, his disease.
The Potter may do whatsoever He will to the clay.
What you are doing here is trying to take my words out of context. I don't use "control" in the sense that God is in heaven playing a game on His iPhone that controls our actions. You seem to think that by merely using the word "control," even though I did qualify it with the word "ultimate" that I mean that God is controlling us like robots or marionettes. You know, I mean no such thing.
If I don't "understand" these matters then why did I write
THIS POST years ago? I understand what Calvinists mean by God's sovereignty or 'control.' I think it is just easier to attack me for not understanding than it is for you to answer the obvious objection being raised...
What you wrote is a further demonstration that you don't understand. But then, really, your goal is not to seek to understand our position. You goal is to defeat our position. That's fine...this is a debate site. But, you should at least be honest about your intent.
God does indeed ordain whatever comes to pass. However, and I think you know this, to equate "ordain" with "cause" is to be insincere with the intent of the Westminster Divines and those of us who do, in fact, make a clear distinction because we find the distinction clearly in scripture.
In the post referenced, you wrote: "It is the indeterminists contention that this is an insufficient explaination to maintain true freedom considering that compatibilists believe that even the desires and thoughts of men are decreed by God."
As a compatibilist, I do not believe my desires are "decreed by God." I don't believe God is in heaven saying "Thou shalt like alcohol," "thou shalt like promiscuity," or "thou shalt like sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll."
You seem to indicate you think this is what God is doing. If you do indeed think God is doing things this way, it betrays that you think men are "neutral" and have to be impacted by God for either good or evil to be done. Of course, the biblical data is that we are sons of our father Adam and, as such, we bear his fallen nature. We are sinners by nature.
The remainder of what you've written in the link is addressed by what I've already written.
Should I list all the posts here where Calvinists use the word 'control' in regard to God's sovereignty over man's choices? How about a list of scholars who use the word 'control' in regard to this issue? How about YOUR use of the word? Do you really want to go there?
Using the word "control," again is not the same as meaning "control" in the sense of deterministic control.
You seem to want to define my usage and the usage of others to your definition, not our own. You seem to want to tell us what we mean rather than listening to what we mean.
Are you denying the existence of the prince of darkness...The 'authorities and princes of this dark world?'
I'm not claiming the opponent has equality with God, but I'm also not attempting to deny his existence....are you? By denying the opponents 'adequacy' you are not removing the existence and independent nature of the opponent. You are only affirming the power of God over His opponent, something I would never deny. This is much different from the concept that God 'compatibilistically controls' (see above) all agents (including his opponents.....i.e. 'playing both sides of the chess board')
Oh I affirm the existence of Satan and his minions. But, of course, they are not equal to God. Denying "adequacy" does not mean that I reject the existence of the "prince of darkness."
Denying the opponent's adequacy does not remove the existence or independent nature of the opponent. There is no adequate foe for God. There is no foe who could--by the word of his mouth--destroy God. God can do this, though He, for whatever reason chooses not to. No foe can vanquish God, though many attempts are made. Inadequate foes do exist. Inadequate foes do exorcize their nature--but that nature is not independent. No foe of God can act without God's permission. As Luther said "the Devil is God's devil." And I say, along with Luther, "The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure."
Of the outcome of the ages there is no doubt.
And as the post I linked to above explains, this avoids nothing in a system where God 'controls' your nature... You just push the problem back a step and claim 'control' is the wrong term...accomplishing nothing.
Again, you are inserting "control" into a place that it does not belong. You might think it does, but then you're only reading your definitions and understandings into what we say rather than listening to us and allowing us to define our own meanings.
The Archangel