Faith is needed to believe , without it God can’t save anyone who doesn’t believe on His son.
Very true, my sister.
The Bible says that faith is necessary to salvation...
It is needed for us as men to believe on His Son and it is needed for us to endure all of our trials and tribulations in this life and keep believing.
Because of it, God credits our faith in His Son as righteousness ( Romans 4 ).
Without faith, it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11:6 )...
My faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of God
Romans 10:8-10, Romans 10:17.
Again, Amen.
But The Lord Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of that faith ( Hebrews 12:2 ).
Yet, that same faith is something that not all men have ( 2 Thessalonians 3:2 ), because it is a gift ( Ephesians 2:8 ).
It is also a fruit of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:22 ).
Therefore, faith is from God via the Spirit of God.
However, God can and does save people apart from us performing any action or set of actions in order to merit His favor.
Eternal life is, without a doubt, a gift, not a reward for making the right choice.
love is a relationship it takes BOTH parties involved to love the other
May God tear down your prideful thinking and bless your heart
This has nothing to do with pride, sister.
This is about acknowledging His right to save whom He chooses, for that is what the Bible describes salvation as...
A product of His mercy and grace, not our efforts at pleasing Him.
In fact, election bypasses human pride completely, and we then find ourselves abased in His presence...
The recipients of a true gift, and not something that our choice of Him would have ever merited.
The Bible is very specific about our condition before Him as men...
We hate Him and love our sin ( Romans 1:18-32, Romans 3:10-18, John 3:19-20 and many others ).
The Lord Jesus Himself said that we are to marvel not, that the world hates us...
Because it hated Him first ( 1 John 3:13 ), and before we believed the Gospel, He didn't matter to us, did He?
I speak from experience.
At 12 years old before I heard the preaching of the cross in a Baptist church, I did not care that I was a sinner, neither did I care that my sins offended Him.
That all changed the day I heard His words, but it took many years for me to start loving Him for saving me.
That very same book tells us why we love Him as believers...
Because He
first loved us ( 1 John 4:19 ).
Remember that.
Our will would have been to continue on in our sins ( Romans 1:30-32 )...
We would have been as others are, dead in our sins with no care about God ( Ephesians 4:17-19 ).
But He loved us, even when we were dead in those sins ( Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2 ) and didn't care one bit about Him or His ways.
May God bless you greatly in the coming years, and in your continued studies of His precious words.