I don't believe MB is in the habit of refuting Biblical passages, but rather your use of them through cherry picking which he did by simply adding the context with the next 2 verses.You did not refute the passage I referenced
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I don't believe MB is in the habit of refuting Biblical passages, but rather your use of them through cherry picking which he did by simply adding the context with the next 2 verses.You did not refute the passage I referenced
Jesus is the Logos.
Jesus is Love.
Jesus is not your imagined version of Logos and Love as you personally define Logos and Love.
The Logos and Love cast man out of the garden. Only the Logos and Love can choose to bring them back in
Me thinks you would be content saying, "God could make a rock so big that even He could not lift it, He is Supreme." ...but would be wise to learn and acknowledge that objecting to fallacious reasoning goes deeper that "disliking". .
Yes, Jesus Christ is the Logos who revealed that God loves man so much He became one. God is not Voluntas, which is Calvin's God.
The Logos and Love cast man out of the garden. Only the Logos and Love can choose to bring them back in
Walpole, you sound like a universalist. Are you a universalist? Your teaching here is universalist.[/QUOTE]We preach the message of reconciliation to all. Only those whom God drags (draws) to himself will believe. The rest, no matter how much we preach reconciliation, will not believe. They won't seek God, they won't see any need for reconciliation.And now God sent the Logos by His incarnation into His creation to reconcile man with Himself and now lovingly offers salvation to all through the Person of Jesus Christ in what is the greatest act of love. This stands in contrast to the Calvinist concept of a God who acts arbitrarily with pure will, randomly choosing some for election and others creating for the sheer pleasure in destroying.
Walpole's statement did not imply Universalism.Walpole, you sound like a universalist. Are you a universalist? Your teaching here is universalist.
Walpole, you sound like a universalist. Are you a universalist? Your teaching here is universalist.
No, I am not a universalist, as in the belief that all will be saved, nor do I teach it.
Rather, I believe and teach the good news that salvation is offered to all through the person of Jesus Christ.
This is Christianity 101 and the season Christians worldwide are celebrating: The birth of the savior, Jesus Christ.
Calvinists believe that the gospel is shared with all. That salvation is provided by Jesus alone. That all who believe are saved.
You are correct, it is Christianity 101. It is in Christianity 102 that you struggle.
Christianity 102 shares the truth that the gospel will only be believed by those whom God draws (drags) to him. All others will hear and declare the gospel to be foolishness. Christians can share the gospel (and live out the gospel) until they are blue in the face, but unless God draws (drags) a person to Himself, the receiver of the gospel message will consider it foolishness.
People who are brought to faith are mostly ignorant of God's drawing and thus do not recognize God's profound graciousness in drawing (dragging) them to Himself. If their mentors reject God's drawing, they may never mature past Christianity 101. If their mentors recognize God's drawing (dragging) they will mature to Christianity 102. If the person is like me, their mentors will be at Christianity 101, but they will read the Bible on their own and all the verses about being chosen, elect and predestined will scream out to them to understand what that means. In that instance they will move on to Christianity 102 despite their mentors inability to understand.
I'm not asking them to believe. I'm telling them to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Repent and be baptized.You are conflating Calvinism with Christianity. If God drags people, then asking them to believe is futile. For belief is unnecessary if they are compelled.
Calvin's God does this, compelling and dragging:
By contrast, Jesus never compels and drags anyone. Rather, He always invites and asks to believe and follow Him.
"If you find that I do not act like the son of my Father, then put no trust in me; but if I do, then let my actions convince you where I cannot; so you will recognize and learn to believe that the Father is in me, and I in him." (John 10:37-38)
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