calvinists say that man is able to still do good works, can still choose to do good, can be religious etc
its just that their sin natures/depravity means that man is unable to come to Christ and get saved apart from the working grace of the Lord applied towards them that enable them to be able to even want to come to Christ in order to be saved!
Depravity NOT saying man cannot do good, be law abiding etc
refers to sense of unable/unwillingly to come to jesus for salvation in and by themselves!
Oh, I know what Calvinists teach, and it is a direct contradiction. They teach man is utterly enslaved to a sin nature. If so, a man would ALWAYS choose to do sin when he has a choice between good and evil. Of course, it is obvious to everyone that even unregenerate men often choose to do good.
If men were completely enslaved to sin, no man would return a wallet full of money when he found it, he would keep the money. He would never risk his life running into a burning building to save another when he could preserve his own life. He would never tell the truth when he could more easily (according to his nature) tell a lie.
You can't say a man is enslaved to a sin nature and then say he can choose to do good. That is a contradiction.
Everything Calvinists teach is a nonsensical contradiction. You have done so here.
What is amazing is that Calvinists never recognize that their theology is nothing but contradictions.