You HAVE NOT answered my post. It is simple as 5th grade recess. I didn't ask "Does God punish sin". I didn't ask "does God PERMIT evil". You are attempting to morph your own premise on to my question in an attempt to hijack the subject and turn it into something you don't have to answer. My free will buckles against your determination to change the subject. And I can CHOOSE to ignore your question because you have not given a straight answer. If you don't want to answer it, fine. Then we have nothing further to discuss as you have abandoned the debate.
If you choose to answer it. The question is does God WANT and DESIRE the abuse, rape and molestation of women and children. Now I hope you know the difference between what God PERMITS and what God WANTS and PREFERS. If you don't know the difference then you can't answer this question anyway.
You did not ask about God's response to such things BEFORE CREATION or BEFORE THE FALL. Your question has no validity BEFORE CREATION because there was no sin BEFORE CREATION.
Your question is about God's response to post-fallen consequences of sin - plain and simple. Your question is skewed because it implies the answer. Does God take delight in these consequences of sin??? That question cannot be answered truthfully or fully without considering God's delight in righteousness from both a negative (justice) and postive (goodness) point of view. You simply want the positive point and it is inferred in the very nature of your question.
However, there is more to God and to consequences of sin than the mere positive response. These acts of sin are also JUST CONSEQUENCES that God delights in according to JUSTICE not according to "goodness" of them.
God hates sin in the first place but you are referring to the CONSEQUENCES of sin which places the question on an entirely different level.
The bottom line is that your question is DEVIOUS and devoid of integrity or truth and the introductory line proves it and anyone with two grains of common sense can easily see through your pretensive question.