since we know England was primarily Catholic or at least Lithergic in the Church of England and many heads lost and people burned at the stake for not using the KJV by decree of the King of England Himself. The Geneva was found as the Bible carried over on the MayFlower as the selected translation and many of the American's printed illegal copies of the KJV just to snub the King of England and prove that the United States of America to come was not under Brittish Rule which caused the printers in England to use "Authorized Version" to indicate it was approved by the KING not by God.
Let me start by saying that I am not KJVO. In fact, I use the NKJV.
However, I find some of the things in the above quote puzzling.
England primarily Catholic? It certainly had been, but it wasn't at the time the 1611 translation was made. Liturgical yes, but predominantly RC, no.
Heads lost and people burned at the stake for not using the KJV? People had earlier been imprisoned and burned at the stakefor daring to translate the bible into English, but not, as far as I know, for using one English translation rather than another.
As for the American printers printing "illegal" copies of the 1611 translation, you will know more about American history than I do, so I am a bit out of my depth on this point, but I thought that the first book of any kind to be printed in America was The Massachusetts Bay Psalm Book, in 1640. And the only bibles printed in America until well into the 18th century were the Geneva bible, and the Algonquin Indian language Bible.