remember that david knew that he was conceived in sin and iniquity, that per paul we all are dead in our sins, in Adam, and this is one reason why jesus HAD to be virgin born of /by HS, as that meant he "by passed" inheriting the sin nature all born after Adam have received!
think that it is pretty much confirmed from the bible that ONLY 2 men EVER were w/o having sin natures, Adam by being created perfect by god, and Jesus by nature of His virgin birth!
All the rest of us are borned as sinners, and will prove that by choosing to sin all the way through our life!
Jesus came in the flesh, had fleshly desires and was tempted in all points as we are, yet never sinned.
He could not have inherited this from his Father, as his Father is not flesh, does not have fleshly desires, and cannot be tempted. Jesus acquired all these qualities from his mother Mary.
You can't get around this. The Catholics realized this and so invented the false doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, saying she was born without Original Sin. But Mary was a sinner just like everyone else and gave a sin offering.