thanks for posting that info on the EO.I see how this error has been around since the beginning. Romans 3:23 all sinned at one point in time.
we also commit our own sins all by ourselves also.
I disagree with your interpretation of Romans 3:23. As Barnes himself asked (the statement bolded in red), how can man sin in any way except that each individual commits his own sin?
Though some here disagree, God clearly says the son shall not bear the iniquity of his father, or vice versa, in Ezekiel 18:20. God says men shall die for their own sin (2 Chr 25:4)
Some here argue this applies to civil law. I would simply ask, if it is unjust to take a man's temporal life for his father's sin which he did not personally commit, how monstrous is it to take a man's eternal life for a sin his father committed, but which he did not personally commit?
Besides contradicting the word of God, this teaching is immediately offensive to all men. Even sinful man knows it is wicked to execute someone for a sin he did not commit.