Well-Known Member
I don't go to the Fundamentalist Forum very often but I frequently see fundamentalists slammed on other Forums. I have read the various definitions of Fundamentalism on that Forum and that of the Militant Fundamentalist seems to fit me best, that is: "expound all Biblical doctrine AND expose all error and compromise and those who believe such." Frankly I don't see anything to disparage in that definition. I believe all Christians should defend Biblical doctrine and expose error! Does that make me a Militant fundamentalist?
So I ask the question: Just what is a Fundamentalist?
I believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of Scripture! Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe The LORD our God is one LORD, that He is self existent and transcends all of His creation, and is revealed in Scripture as three distinct persons: Father, Word, and Holy Spirit. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I reject any teaching/belief that would compromise the integrity of the creation story of Genesis, the real persons of Adam and Eve, and their rebellion against God, the Fall! Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the Scriptural teachings of the Doctrines of Grace and that these Doctrines magnify the Grace of God. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that Salvation is by Grace alone and that those so saved are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I reject the dispensational interpretation of Scripture introduced by John Darby and popularized in this country by the Scofield Bible. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the local Church, the local body of Jesus Christ, as an independent body accountable only to God. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the Universal Church, an invisible body, consisting of all the redeemed of all time to be revealed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that the local Church should consist of only Baptized believers. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that the officers of the local Church consists of elders [preachers] and deacons. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe the Biblical ordinances of the local Church are Baptism of believers, the Lord’s Supper participated in only by Baptized believers, and the washing of feet participated in only by Baptized believers> Does that make me a fundamentalist?
So I ask the question: Just what is a Fundamentalist?
I believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of Scripture! Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe The LORD our God is one LORD, that He is self existent and transcends all of His creation, and is revealed in Scripture as three distinct persons: Father, Word, and Holy Spirit. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I reject any teaching/belief that would compromise the integrity of the creation story of Genesis, the real persons of Adam and Eve, and their rebellion against God, the Fall! Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the Scriptural teachings of the Doctrines of Grace and that these Doctrines magnify the Grace of God. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that Salvation is by Grace alone and that those so saved are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I reject the dispensational interpretation of Scripture introduced by John Darby and popularized in this country by the Scofield Bible. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the local Church, the local body of Jesus Christ, as an independent body accountable only to God. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe in the Universal Church, an invisible body, consisting of all the redeemed of all time to be revealed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that the local Church should consist of only Baptized believers. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe that the officers of the local Church consists of elders [preachers] and deacons. Does that make me a fundamentalist?
I believe the Biblical ordinances of the local Church are Baptism of believers, the Lord’s Supper participated in only by Baptized believers, and the washing of feet participated in only by Baptized believers> Does that make me a fundamentalist?