I think it is plain as day that Jacob is saying I will not let you go unless you bless me. That is demanding a blessing. And who else could Jacob be speaking to? The story begins telling us he was left alone and wrestled with a man, who turns out to be God.
You just don't like the story because it doesn't agree with your personal concept of God.
We will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.
Brother, I perceive you have a passion for following Jesus and the study of God's Word. I will assume that your goal is to be faithful to the correct interpretations and applications of this precious Word God has entrusted to us His children, that we may study it and rightly divide it, that we will not be found guilty of sticking with a misapplication or misinterpretation and teaching error to others. Personally, my goal is to rightly divide and not to be right. In my past, have been guilty of misusing a passage of scripture just because seemed to sound like it proved a point I was trying to make. Over the years I have learned to abandon those passages that I once misapplied so I would be faithful to God and His message, being very careful not to take anything out of context just to make my pov look better.
I don't know if you teach any bible studies or Sunday School classes, but I believe you are here to teach others what you believe the scriptures teach, correct? I would hope that you are also here to test your own points of view and carefully consider what others point out as well. And if after some careful consideration and study you find that a passage you have been using really shouldn't be used for a go to on a subject then you would faithfully abandon that particular passage as to honor God and His Word, not that you must abandon your whole pov, but make sure you are only using those passages which actually do speak to the subject being discussed. That's just being fair and honest to God first and foremost, I think you would agree with me that we should take seriously the way we apply passages in God's Word.
Now if you can imagine yourself as a SS teacher (maybe you are, idk) and one of your students challenges you on an application of scripture you are using on a subject and the person points out that they think that particular passage doesn't really apply to the topic. Would your answer back to them be
"You just don't like the story because it doesn't agree with your personal concept of God." ? Personally, I find it insulting. I don't think we need to make comments such as these in our debates, we all should just make our arguments from scripture and be careful not to do any tweeking or make the passages say anything more than what is written.
Now, back to Jacob, just do a search on "blessing" and you will find a few dozen passages of scripture where people are blessing people. The scripture states Jacob was wrestling with a man and when Jacob prevailed over the man he demanded the man give him a blessing before he let the man go (noticed I said man bc that is what was in Jacob's mind for he did not yet know it was God). Another factor that teaches us Jacob did not know it was God is bc Jacob asked the man his name. Only after the conversation AFTER the match was over did Jacob realize he came face to face with God and did not die.
So, Jacob did not demand God give him a blessing. To say this is not being true to the passage and is not rightly dividing the word of truth which must be our first priority, we cannot misuse passages, we will get challenged and we will not have the Holy Spirit's power in using those passages if they are not used as intended by God.
Blessings to you brother!