And it is not logical to think that we can combat Hillary Clinton by not voting, or casting our vote for someone we know stands no chance of winning.
You know what's not logical? Remember the fable about the Fox and the Scorpion?
It's not logical to think the scorpion won't sting, no matter how much he reassures you.
What is not logical is not doing everything you can to crush the Scorpion before he gets the chance to sting. We knew Obama would be bad for this country, yet here he is in his second term.
But you are going to overlook the fact that Trump is a wildcard, whereas, like Obama...Hillary Clinton is already known for what she is, and that she is going to strike is just a matter of time.
You have no logical basis for, first, presuming that Trump is going to hurt rather than help, and overlook that fact that Clinton will further Liberal Agendas, and worse... to establish a "legacy" of her own which she thinks compares to the "Great Legacy" Obama leaves behind.
We have the perfect model for insanity in this.
That is a waste of a vote, and if that keeps your conscience clear that is between you and God, not you and I. But I do not have to consider it either Christian duty or logical, but as I do see it...a waste that potentially will result in more deaths.
Deaths of Christians, deaths of infants. Death of those who succumb to the diseases associated with homosexuality.
And you're positive that Trump will stem the tide?
What I am positive about, Don, is that Trump is a better option to combat the Liberal Agendas, as well as the Islamic Mandate.
No-one in their right mind can deny that.
Secondly, I am positive that Trump will have a responsibility to those that help him win. What that means is that there will be a sensitivity demanded to the worldview of those who hold to a Biblical Worldview.
You can deny that, but, I would ask where in the history of recent presidents do we see a president grossly going against the policies of those who voted for him?
Bush, for example, could have remained neutral in regards to Partial birth Abortion but he was not.
Lastly, I am positive that God will reward a direct stand against evil, and without question, Obama and Clinton are...evil.
You're predicating your identification of my vote as "wasted" on no more assurance than "well, if it doesn't work out, we just won't re-elect him."
No, Don, my declaration of your vote as wasted on a third party candidate is simply fact.
When is the last time a third party candidate won the election?
And when is the last time a third party candidate lost an election for another candidate?
As I've said before, whether you agree or not, the only wasted vote is the one not cast. That's the person who allows everyone else to make the decision for them.
As I have said before, voting your conscience is not only your right, but becomes a mandate lest you bring yourself under condemnation of sin.
I understand that.
But, that doesn't mean I can't seek to discuss the reasoning behind what you see as the proper course you should take based on your beliefs. I am not condemning you, Don, and think that if you feel that strongly about not voting for Trump because you feel it would be a "vote for evil," you are commanded to follow your conscience. But at the same time...
...I question your condemnation of Trump as evil, and even more, that he is an evil that can be compared to Obama and Clinton.
He is secular, no question, and an actor seeking to win the Presidency. But as I have said before...better a secular President that is clearly identified by Christians as an unbeliever, than a President that claims to be a Christian that is deceiving Christians into believing it is okay to be a Christian and support Abortion, homosexuality, and tolerance.
The freedom you enjoy is being undermined by the efforts of Obama and Clinton, on a number of levels. The primary and most clear danger to us as Christians, as I have said before... Islamic Sympathy.
That in itself is the pathway to tyranny and theocratic rule of the most dangerous organization the world has ever seen.