The math doesn't support this statement.
Let's say you have six voters. Of the first five, 3 vote for Trump, and 2 vote for Clinton. As it currently stands, Trump is winning 60%-40%.
The 6th person has 4 choices:
1) vote for Trump, making it 67%-33% (Trump wins)
2) vote for Clinton, making it 50%-50% (run-off)
3) vote for a 3rd party, making it 50%-33%-16% (Trump wins)
4) don't vote, making it 50%-33% (Trump wins)
In the case of only 5 voters, with #5 being the deciding vote--if #5 votes 3rd party or doesn't vote, then the election goes to a run-off.
Thus, the only way you can make the argument that voting 3rd party or not voting is a vote for Hillary, is by admitting there aren't enough votes for Trump to be elected in the first place.
It is math like this, as well as rationalization, which is why we have Obama in Office for two terms.
You do not calculate your impact on undecided voters. So your equation is lacking all relevant issues involved, which means you cannot possibly arrive at a legitimate conclusion.
You are also denying the impact of propaganda on the undecided vote. Whether the propaganda is from Trump or Clinton supporters, we have to be realistic in understanding that the undecided vote is usually not a matter of principle, it is a response to propaganda.
You, Don, may have a very real impact on the undecided vote, which is not the same as you viewing your own vote as based on principle. The question is, is it really?
I have to question that, because I can in no way rationalize any vote that would not help to keep Clinton out of office. Not from a Christian perspective. We know that Clinton will advance the Liberal Agenda...we don't know that about Trump.
All I would ask is everyone here that thinks Clinton will do anything but harm to Conservative worldview and
not continue the "Progress" of Obama...
...please raise your hand.
The math is simple: there are only two people at this point with the chance of winning. Options 2-4 guarantee that votes which could ensure Clinton doesn't win are lost.
It is not logical to think that not voting will not impact the election.
It is not logical to think that voting third party will result in a third candidate that reflects a Christian worldview (I mean seriously, we're talking about a secular office).
It is not logical to think a vote for Clinton will not further the Homosexual and Abortion agendas.
God bless.