Just like Truman said, "The buck stops here" regardless of whether Trump was the head of a corporation or president. He is ultimately responsible ... just like the captain of a ship.
And? Do you have a subsequent point?
Did Trump try to set things right for the workers? No!
Oh, lookie here, YOUR subsequent point. Except, that like much that comes out of your mouth, YOUR POINT, is false.
Did he ever attempt to set things right with those he stiffed? No!
Oh, lookie here, YOU reiterate YOUR false POINT.
The fact is; It was an American UNION that sued Trump. Their complaint was Trump hired illegal Polish aliens to work for Him....(when American UNION workers should have been hired).
Boo hoo. Trump selected a LEGAL Polish immigrant Contractor to work for him.
The court ordered 1 million to be paid to the complainant ie (the American UNION, that did NO WORK on Trumps project).
The court order $ 325,000 + interest be paid, BY Trump, to the ALIEN Polish workers, who were Sub-contractors, Hired BY, the Contractor Trump Hired.
The case was appealed then settled out of court. A settlement is a result of a complainant and defendant settling their differences WITHOUT NOTICE of the details of the settlement given to YOU.
So once again, you make statements that are false.
You repeatedly reveal you do not know the facts and then make false statements based on your LACK of facts.
But no problem, YOU are helping the PLAN to be effected.