I have read and studied this issue apart from Fox News!
Trust me, there are many "leaders" in the Black Community who are feeding to their people the concept of being still seeing just whites as being racists, that they are owned something.... There are some godle leaders though who realize that the Lord Jesus is the one to bridge racial divide and give hope to the people, as Dem keep them under the ole "slave ,mentality"
God divided a particular race of people, to be a peculiar people unto Him.
Jesus came to divide, believers from non-believers.
People of the general population decide personally whom they choose to associate with.
Governments promote and encourage and (unConstitionally) enact statutes for "certain races".
We are born equal, however we do not remain equal.
Some choose to have God as their "Father", some choose to have a Government as their "Daddy".
- [8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.