Ironically the Soviets and Chinese atheist governments use Romans 13 in the same way you just did. May I suggest your use is out of context?
That being said, God does ordain both the good rulers and wicked rulers to accomplish His will. Read Habakkuk 1 and see how God tells Habbakkuk that it is He who raised up the wicked Babylonian kingdom and it is He who would destroy them as well.
God tells us to live in peace as much as we can. He told the exiles to pray for the peace of the city in which they resided. We ought to do the same.
To respond to your theology is something I'd rather not do, but I will only to tell you, that your response is just about what I'd expect from someone who has turned the Bible into a personal political platform to support your left leaning conspiracy rant!
God will in fact win out in the end, and those who use His word as a political whipping board, will be taken to school in the "end!" I think the best way to deal with your kind is to treat you as if you don't exist, which means "ignore!" Shalom, and happy hunting on the board. I think you will discover rather quickly, that your type of religion doesn't open many doors around here.