This all started because many believe in a evolution science of the age of the earth, rather than taking God's word for what it says a literal 6 days...the fact that most believe a lie and defy COMMON SENSE...remember plants and vegetation cannot reproduce or even survive long without animals and critters...MANURE, come on fertilizer? Bee's and POLLEN, Bird's and seeds...etc. So If I am in the "Minority" I think that is sad and speaks for the need to get people back to basics. Take the "6 day creation debate"
For a true believer with any common sense and a real desire for TRUTH cannot walk away after seeing the proof in a LITERAL 6 DAY CREATION in the video "age of the earth"...Like I've said in my OP, Satan uses LIES to deceive and work his purpose, God uses TRUTH.
It was the fall of mankind, when Satan mixed some truth with some lies. The author shows and proves how devastation believing in evolution on any scale is WRONG and DANGEROUS. In fact, it is the biggest lie of all to lead man to hell.
FOUNDATION is always the key, even Jesus said, "UPON THIS FOUNDATION (He is the rock) I will build my church," He also said, "that the one whose FOUNDATION is built on sand will surely be shaken and destroyed. But the foundation that is built on Him (TRUTH) will stand"...I feel, I am on a FIRM foundation and I make NO APOLOGIES for it.
That is the problem with "Christianity" today, too many are walking around drinking and desiring milk. You also have those who in their pride and self serving agenda's are out there teaching and preaching extremes that harm and tear down rather than build up and edify.....why? Because these faulty systems and "powers that be" are producing weak, anemic and dying sheep...if they had only desired the right balance of WHO GOD IS and what He wants from us, then more would be in agreements with me and what Pastor Whitaker taught and I am sure ex and I had the EXACT SAME DOCTRINE and is one reason I was attracted to him and we didn't even learn it from the same church, but know I know it is a rare thing. The RARE PART is what NEEDS to be taught more...BALANCE, LOVE and TRUTH!...Separating the lies from the truth and loving God and others to best of my ability based in SUBMITTING and YIELDING and then in His power He produces the "fruits of the spirit" through me...IT AIN'T ABOUT ME!
That is my message and I a sorry if people don't get it...that is Ok, cause I am ACCOUNTABLE to God when it comes down to it, more than I am anyone person.