Here are some examples from the Gospel of Matthew where the 1611 KJV followed the rendering in the 1582 Rheims instead of one of the renderings in one of the pre-1611 Protestant English Bibles (Tyndale's to Bishops').
Matt. 1:18 betrothed (Tyndale’s, Matthew’s, Whittingham’s, Geneva, Bishops’)
married (Coverdale’s, Great) spoused (Rheims) espoused (KJV)
Matt. 2:6 govern (Tyndale’s, Coverdale’s, Matthew’s, Great, Whittingham’s, Bishops’)
feed (Geneva) rule (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 3:7 vengeance (Tyndale’s, Coverdale’s, Matthew’s, Great, Whittingham‘s)
anger (Geneva, Bishops’) wrath (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 4:24 gripings (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) torments (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 8:6 pained (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) tormented (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 8:20 to rest his head (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) to lay his head (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 11:22 be easier (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) be more tolerable (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 11:23 lift up (Tyndale’s, Coverdale’s, Matthew’s, Great)
lifted up (Whittingham’s, Geneva, Bishops’) exalted (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 11:24 be easier (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) be more tolerable (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 15:19 whoredoms (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) fornications (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 16:9 perceive (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) understand (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 17:18 healed (Tyndale’s to Bishops’) cured (Rheims, KJV)
Matt. 19:12 chaste (Tyndale’s, Matthew’s, Great, Whittingham’s, Geneva, Bishops’)
gelded (Coverdale’s) eunuchs (Rheims, KJV)