One false argument of Calvinism is that the non elect DESERVE to go to hell.
Not true, Winman.
We believe what the Scriptures teach: all men are sinners and as such deserve eternal punishment for their sins.
The Elect deserve exactly what the Reprobate deserve.
However, God, in His mercy, made a decision in eternity before mankind was born: He would save a people from the punishment their sins deserved.
The people He chose to save are called the Elect because they are elected to salvation.
That election is called the Election of Grace because:
1. It is undeserved and unmerited on the part of the Elect.
2. Its cause is the will of good pleasure found in God alone.
3. No cause is found in man, not one good thing, including ‘foreseen faith’ because saving faith is the miraculous creation of God, a gift which He freely gives to the Elect.
Men go to hell not because of any sin they have committed, but because God always hated them.
When you consider the doctrine of original sin (which Paul teaches earlier in Romans 5), death passed from Adam to the entire human race because all have sinned in Adam, our Federal Head/Representative.
Therefore, all mankind deserves the hatred of a holy righteous God who cannot look upon sin.
He must judge sin.
The sin of the Elect was judged and punished in Christ.
The sin of the Reprobate will be judged and punished in the Reprobate.
The ‘why’of His decision to love certain men (and women, of course) is one which He does not reveal. We are to be satisfied that there is no cause to be found outside of His will.
“I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy.”
Please note that He does not say, “I will have mercy upon whom I foresee faith.”
Had Paul wished to teach Arminianism, he should have inserted 'foreseen faith' as the cause of Election.
Those whom the Lord passes by, refusing to give them grace (which they do not deserve), He does them no injustice.
Why He has chosen to pass them by, withholding grace, He does not reveal.
But by so doing there is no injustice with God because grace is owed no one.
Furthermore, since the Lord is immutable – the same yesterday, today and forever – it is quite biblical to say that He has always hated the reprobate.
It is also quite biblical to say that He has always loved the Elect.
"I have loved you with an everlasting love."
His reason for loving one (Jacob) while hating the other (Esau) is not because one has done something good and worthy while the other has done something wicked and vile.
Both were sinners still in the womb when the Lord declared the destiny of each man.
The reason for His decision lies hidden in His inscrutable, holy and most wise will.
But be assured, Winman, that those Reprobate who die in their sins will be judged and punished for those sins.
PS I see you have not responded to my previous post which addresses more of your errors.