Dr. Walter
New Member
How does someone born totally blind become blinder?
Because you are confusing SPIRITUAL inability that comes only with a new heart as Deuteronomy 29:4 explicitly states with NATURAL ability of conscience to recognize light which the fleshly mind reacts by hardening as John 3:19-20 and Romans 8:7-8 clearly demonstrates.
Deuteromony 29:4 completely invalidates your whole position as it proves that PRIOR to being given the new heart there is complete SPIRITUAL blindness and complete SPIRITUAL deafness.
You are simply confusing SPIRITUAL with NATURAL abilities. The Natural abilities can recognize light but always respond as Romans 8:7-8 and thus the NATURAL conscience is hardened with exposure to light.
Your position is totally founded upon confusing things that differ and Deuteronomy 29:4 drives a stake in the very heart of your whole position as does Ezek. 36:26-27.
Well, my friend this is my final message. Fare-thee-well!
You need to ban Dr. Walter's account as well. I have no other accounts and so when you do that your job will be finished.